Additionally, he’s starting to form teeth buds beneath his gums, and his bones are getting nice and strong. He’ll be exercising his new limbs a lot now, kicking, stretching and moving about, even though it will be another four to eight weeks before you can feel him. His body is also preparing for life on the outside as his nasal passages and diaphragm are starting to take shape. If you could see up close, you might even catch a glimpse of tiny ears, a tongue and nipples.
Right about now, you’re probably feeling a little bloated. But it’s not because of your baby’s mass, but rather it’s likely due to the gas and constipation induced by pregnancy hormones. However, the clock is ticking on when you’ll form the telltale belly, so it may be time to start thinking about when to break the news at work, particularly if your job involves strenuous activity or exposure to hazardous materials, both of which can pose risks to your baby.
Another thing to consider is whether you’re experiencing any difficulties with your pregnancy, such as severe nausea or vomiting, or if you’re at risk of complications like preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure during the second half of pregnancy. If the rest of your term is likely to involve multiple trips to your health care provider, it may be best to share the news with your manager sooner rather than later so that he or she can give you the accommodations you need.
It’s a good idea to review the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act {link to site}, which outlines your legal rights in the workplace and prohibits your employer from firing or demoting you. You may also want to check out whether your state has any similar laws.
Finally, read your employee handbook or talk to your human resources department to find out more about your company’s maternity leave policy and be prepared to answer questions about your plans for after the baby is born. Now is a good time to have a conversation with your partner about how much time you would like to take off from work, what you can afford and whether you’ll continuing working the same hours going forward.
What’s happening in week 11
At 11 weeks, your baby is starting to look like a real little person and you might even have the tiniest hint of a bump!
How big is my baby at 11 weeks?
It won’t be long before your baby is fully formed even at only 4cm long, and will then spend the rest of the pregnancy growing (as will you!). They already have little fingernails in place and their hands will soon start to open and close. Though it’s still too soon to tell the gender by ultrasound, your tiny baby will be starting to form testes or ovaries.
At 11 weeks your baby’s head is already quite well developed and all the bones in their face are now present. Around this time the ears will have migrated closer to their final location, the tongue and palate will be present in the mouth and there will be open nasal passages at the tip of their nose. Meanwhile the hair follicles are beginning to form on their crown of their head.
Their body is starting to straighten out and become more proportionate, although their head still makes up one third of their overall length. Although you can’t feel it yet, your baby is doing a whole lot of wriggling and is now able to stretch and somersault inside your womb! Your baby may also have a case of the hiccups right now, as their diaphragm forms.
You at 11 weeks pregnant
Now that your body is undergoing so many changes, you might find you have to adapt your existing beauty and skincare routine a bit. Your skin could go either way ega dry or mega oily One skin problem that worries many women in pregnancy is the blight of the dreaded stretch mark.
Unfortunately, you are either going to be pre-disposed to getting stretch marks or not, but you can help keep your skin soft and flexible by using one of the many anti-stretch mark products in the chemists – or some women swear by cheap and cheerful cocoa butter or coconut oil! Applying regularly during pregnancy and after you’ve given birth could help the marks fade faster.
The pre-natal workout video above is tailor made to help your body get ready for labour. Experts from Nuffield Health have created this 20-minute workout designed that is designed to help you build strength and mobility that will aid you through labour and the demands of motherhood.
You at 11 weeks pregnant
Now that your body is undergoing so many changes, you might find you have to adapt your existing beauty and skincare routine a bit. Your skin could go either way mega dry or mega oily! One skin problem that worries many women in pregnancy is the blight of the dreaded stretch mark
Unfortunately, you are either going to be pre-disposed to getting stretch marks or not, but you can help keep your skin soft and flexible by using one of the many anti-stretch mark products in the chemists or some women swear by cheap and cheerful cocoa butter or coconut oil! Applying regularly during pregnancy and after you’ve given birth could help the marks fade faster.
The pre-natal workout video above is tailor made to help your body get ready for labour. Experts from Nuffield Health have created this 20-minute workout designed that is designed to help you build strength and mobility that will aid you through labour and the demands of motherhood.
What to think about in week 11
By week 11 you probably have an appointment lined up for your dating scan – the most exciting part of the first trimester – seeing your baby on the screen for the first time and getting your due date (our pregnancy due date calculator on will give you a good indication in the meantime). You might also have had your first batch of antenatal tests by now, too and gone through your medical history and some form filling with your midwife. Get clued up on pregnancy testing and screening for more info on what your blood and wee will be screened for.
You might be thinking about breaking the news to work colleagues and your wider family and friends around now. Make sure you know all the rules and regs for pregnant women in the workplace by reading up on our maternity rights page, and ensure your employer carries out a risk assessment once you have informed them of your pregnancy, so you and your baby are not put at risk while you carry out your work.
There’s no doubt that your 12 week scan will be at occupying your mind as it’s nearly here. As exciting as it is you may naturally start to fret over the potential health concerns these tests really look for.
All women in England are offered the chance to test for Downs Syndrome, Edwards’ Syndrome and Patau’s Syndrome during their pregnancy. The test is done with a combined test (ultrasound and blood test) which usually takes place in weeks 10 – 14 weeks of pregnancy. The way this ultrasound test/nuchal translucency (NT) scan works is by checking the amount of fluid behind your baby’s neck, while the blood test samples the proteins human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein (PAPP-A) in your blood.
The results of the test combined with mother’s age are be used to determine the likelihood of a baby being affected by Down’s/Edwards’/Patau’s Syndrome.
Your first ultrasound scan could also identify if you are carrying more than one baby. The “is it twins?” thought crosses the mind of every expectant parent and for one in every 65 couples the thought becomes a reality at the first scan. But earlier signs may also raise your suspicions that there may be twins growing in there. Signs such as a faster growing bump in the early weeks and experiencing extreme tiredness or virtual exhaustion can also be a sure fire sign there are two babies zapping your energy.
Those not so pleasant varicose veins could also be an indicator of twins, as carrying twins also requires more blood than one baby, therefore more blood flows through the veins in your circulatory system, leading to increased pressure which can develop varicose veins.
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