Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD) is a disease, characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
The ADHD symptoms are generally manifested in childhood and adolescence. The common signs of ADHD are obviously the attention disorder, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. ADHD begins developing in childhood but its symptoms are observed in adulthood as well.
The ADHD symptoms in various age groups of patients may differ. However, regardless of the age, almost all ADHD patients find it hard to control their activity levels, their impulsiveness and focus on one task or subject.
Inattentiveness is one of the basic symptoms of ADHD.
Because inattentiveness impedes focusing on the subject, children and adults diagnosed ADHD, are not interested and bored to fulfill work requiring sustained attention and concentration.
Chronic slowness and forgetfulness, melancholy, difficulties with concentration while reading, mood swings and depression – are complications that may occur in adults due to ADHD.
The inability to focus in childhood, can negatively affect the education process. Therefore, poor performance at school is one of the negative outcomes of ADHD in childhood.
Hyperactivity is a very common symptom of ADHD.
Hyperactive children and adults with ADHD cannot sit still; they are scurrying around, fussing or talking all the time. Hyperactivity is an ADHD symptom, which is typical for children and teenagers. Usually, hyperactivity fades away, or vanishes with age.
Impulsiveness may occur at any age, just as other ADHD symptoms.
Because of excessive impulsiveness, children and adults with ADHD do not think over the consequences of their deeds. Impulsive ADHD patients take rash decisions, influenced by external circumstances or emotional experiences.
ADHD symptoms in children
Many signs and symptoms of ADHD occur mostly in children and rarely in adults. The ADHD symptoms in small children are manifested as constant walking around the apartment, as well as agitated state when guests come to your home.
Small children with ADHD syndrome cannot play games calmly and always seek attention of their parents. Other symptoms, signalizing of ADHD in small children are: excessive crying, sleep disorder and lack of appetite.
Children of primary school age with ADHD are usually restless; they can get up from their sit and walk around the classroom, distracting other children. Sometimes, pupils diagnosed ADHD answer the questions without listening it to the end and without thinking. Parents of such children complain on that their kids lose things and can even ran out on the roadway without looking around.
The ADHD symptoms in teenagers are similar to ADHD symptoms in children. Such symptoms are: irritability, low concentration and attention, hyperactivity and insomnia. In adolescence during sexual maturation, the ADHD symptoms may get worse.
Due to excessive distraction and decreased attention and ability to concentrate, many teenagers with ADHD have problems at school. Hence, the educational performance may decrease if a teenager is not prescribed some ADHD treatment.
ADHD symptoms in adults
The ADHD symptoms in adults differ from the ADHD symptoms in children and teens. For instance, adults diagnosed ADHD may experience indefatigability instead of hyperactivity. In addition, adults with ADHD always have problems with personal relationships and employment.
Postponement of tasks, the lack of organized work, forgetfulness during daily activities and frequent changes of the conversation topic, inability to listen to other people – all these symptoms indicate the ADHD.
In conclusion, it is necessary to say that education of a hyperactive child must involve the work of specialists in different fields (neurologist, psychologist and teacher), but exactly parents play the most important role in this process. Love and support of the parents help to find the right approach to a child with ADHD and relieve the symptoms of this disease.
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