Allergy Meds For Cat


Allergy is one of the most common pathological states in cats. Therefore, allergy meds for cat is one of the best-selling veterinary products. To reduce allergy symptoms in cats, various vet meds can be used, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most effective allergy meds for cat are included into therapeutic group of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. Such allergy vet meds are Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone and Hydrocortisone.

For intense anti-allergic therapy, cat might be prescribed some injectable allergy meds. Such pet meds can be used for treatment of allergy in vet clinic or at home.

The duration of drug therapy of allergy in cats depends on type of allergy meds you use, the severity of allergic state and cat’s bodyweight. For some cats, just one injection of anti-allergic medication is enough; other cats need to take allergy meds regularly within a few weeks or even months.

Methylprednisolone allergy med for cat

If your cat needs an intensive allergy therapy, veterinarian can prescribe Methylprednisolone injection. At retails, Methylprednisolone solution for injections is available under different trade names, such as Depo-Medrone.

Depo-Medrone or other Methylprednisolone-containing solutions to treat allergy in cats should be injected intramuscularly, once or 4 times a month. In most cases, anti-allergic effect of one Depo-Medrone injection lasts for 3 weeks.

The optimal single dose of Depo-Medrone for cats ranges from 1 to 2 mg per 1 kg of bodyweight. For maintenance allergy therapy, your cat should take minimal and effective doses of Depo-Medrone.

Methylprednisolone can be used for both injections and oral therapy of allergy in cats. Oral allergy meds for cat containing Methylprednisolone are sold under the trademark Medrone V at most veterinary pharmacies.

Minimum effective Medrone V dose for kittens and cats, weighing under 5 kg is 1mg per day. The dosage of Medrone V for adult cats weighing over 30 kg can be increased up to 8 mg per day.

As alternative to injectable or oral Methylprednisolone (Depo-Medrone, Medrone V) drug, you can use allergy meds for cat containing Prednisolone anti-allergic agent.

Prednisolone allergy med for cat

Prednisolone can be used for oral or injectable allergy therapy, just as Methylprednisolone. Most often, to cure allergy in cat, veterinary physicians use Prednisolone oral tablets.

  • Prednisolone allergy tabs for cats are available under various brand names; Prednidale and Prednicare are two of them.
  • Prednisolone allergy injections for cats are sold under the brand Solu-Delta Cortef.

The maximum recommended dose of oral Prednisolone allergy med for cat is 2mg per kilogram of bodyweight. For effective control of allergy symptoms, oral Prednisolone-containing allergy meds for cat should be used within 1-3 weeks, daily.

The standard intramuscular dose of Prednisolone injection for the therapy of allergy in cats – is 5mg. Injectable Prednisolone, used for the treatment of allergies in cats, should be injected intramuscularly, 1 or 2 times a day for 3-5 days.

Prednisolone and Methylprednisolone are two of the best allergy meds for cat. However, some cats need only a symptomatic allergy therapy, without using oral or injectable medications.

To quickly reduce the symptoms of allergic dermatosis and allergic reactions of the skin caused by insect bites, wounds or burns, a topical spray containing Hydrocortisone can be used.

Allergy meds for cat, containing Hydrocortisone come on sale under various trademarks, like for example, Terra-Cortril and Liqua-Cortril. The unique feature of these allergy meds for cat is that besides Hydrocortisone anti-allergic agent, they contain Oxytetracycline antibiotic.

Using Liqua-Cortril or Terra-Cortril allergy spray for cat, you can reduce the allergy symptoms and prevent bacterial infection, caused by insect bites, surface wounds or scratches.

Allergy meds for cat containing antibiotic agent can supplement the injectable or oral therapy of allergic states. If your cat was diagnosed allergy and any other disease, you and veterinarian should choose a proper allergy meds for cat.

If you want to buy safe and effective allergy meds for cat, you can consult a qualified veterinarian right now. If you already know what allergy meds your cat needs, you can buy them online in any country of the world.

To buy allergy meds for cat online, no prescription is needed. Therefore, you can place your order in a few minutes. Please note that when you buy allergy meds for cat on online pet store, you can get a discount.

Purchasing best allergy meds for cat with discount, you will reduce your costs on a short-term or long-term allergy therapy significantly.

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