Benefits of Banana
Looking for an inexpensive, healthy, and portable meal to help you stay healthy while on the go? Take, for example, banana.
Vitamins A, C, and B6, potassium, magnesium, folate, riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine, as well as iron, proteins, carbs, lipids, and fibres, are all found in bananas. When ingested, the fruit provides a multitude of health benefits due to its high nutritional content.Banana Have a Lot of Health Benefits.
B6 is a B vitamin that helps in digestion.
Banana are well-known for aiding digestion. By metabolising carbs and lipids, vitamin B6 contributes to this effect. It also keeps the neurological system healthy by removing undesirable substances from the liver and kidneys.
Skin and Mood Benefits of Vitamin C
When it comes to vitamin C sources, bananas aren’t usually on the list. However, it does contain the vitamin. A medium banana can deliver up to 10% of your daily vitamin C requirements.
Vitamin C aids in the prevention of cell and tissue damage, as well as the creation of collagen, which keeps your skin, bones, and body together, and serotonin, which impacts sleep and mood.
Manganese and the Skin
One medium banana can provide up to 13% of your daily manganese needs. Manganese also aids collagen formation, which protects skin and other cells from free radical damage.
Potassium is good for the heart.
Bananas are beneficial to your cardiovascular and nervous systems. According to, potassium in the fruit aids muscle contraction in the body and keeps the heart rate normal while keeping blood pressure low.
Although bananas are thought to have a high potassium content, their actual potassium content per typical food serving is only 8% of the US recommended Daily Value for potassium (considered a low level of the DV, see nutrition table), and their potassium ranking among fruits, vegetables, legumes, and many other foods is moderate.
Babies’ Essential Nutrients
Bananas are high in potassium, which helps to keep blood pressure in check and avoid kidney stones and bone loss. According to Verywell Family, the fruit provides the same benefits to babies and children, primarily reducing vitamin deficiencies.
Bananas can also help adults and babies avoid weight gain and increase their energy levels. The fruit is high in fibre, which aids in bowel motions. A banana provides 12% of the body’s daily fibre requirements.
Sucrose, fructose, and glucose are all found in bananas. Children and sportsmen who require a lot of energy for their regular activity benefit from the presence of these natural sugars.
Nutritional information
A 100-gram reference serving has 89 calories, 31 percent of the US Daily Value (DV) of vitamin B6, modest quantities of vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fibre, and no other micronutrients .
Bananas are one of the most appetising fruits on the planet. The curved yellow fruit is linked to a wide range of health benefits. Bananas are abundant in potassium and pectin, a type of fibre, according to Laura Flores, a dietitian in San Diego. They’re also a significant source of magnesium, as well as vitamins C and B6.
“Antioxidants are abundant in bananas, which help defend against free radicals,” Flores concluded. “From the sun to the lotion you apply on your skin, we come into contact with free radicals every day.”
Bacterial wilt of bananas
The bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum causes banana bacterial wilt (BBW). After being discovered in Ethiopia in the 1960s on a near relative of bananas, Ensete ventricosum, BBW was discovered in Uganda in 2001, infecting all banana varieties. Since then, BBW has been discovered in banana-growing regions across Central and East Africa, including Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, and Uganda.
Depression and mood disorders
Bananas can aid in the treatment of depression. “This is due to high quantities of tryptophan, which the body converts to serotonin, a mood-enhancing brain chemical,” Flores explained. Vitamin B6 can also help you sleep better, and magnesium relaxes muscles. Bananas also contain tryptophan, which is recognised for its sleep-inducing qualities.
Weight loss and digestion
Bananas have a lot of fibre, which might help you stay regular. A single banana can provide approximately 10% of your daily fibre needs. According to Flores, vitamin B6 can help guard against Type 2 diabetes and aid in weight loss. Bananas are a fantastic weight-loss food in general because they are sweet and filling, which helps to control hunger.
Bananas are particularly high in resistant starch, a type of dietary fibre that has recently piqued the curiosity of experts. The resistant starch in bananas may help gut health and blood sugar regulation, according to a 2017 review published in Nutrition Bulletin. In the gut, resistant starch boosts the formation of short chain fatty acids, which are essential for gut health.
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