Best Over The Counter Diet Pills


Global epidemic of obesity covered all the countries and continents on the planet. People suffer from weight problems regardless of their incomes, social status, age and sex. According to WHO, the number of overweight people will exceed 2.4 billion by 2016. Taking into account the constantly growing number of overweight and obese people, scientists keep developing best over the counter diet pills. New slimming products must fight against extra kilograms, as well as minimize the risk of cardiometabolic disorders.

Obesity is a global healthcare problem. The spreading of obesity is caused by the increased caloric value of foods people eat every day. Traditionally to cure excess weight or obesity, people use such lifestyle changes as well-balanced diet and increased physical activity. In most cases, such measures can pause the growth of body weight or even reduce it.

Best over the counter diet pills allow people to achieve a clinically significant weight loss result. People should pay their attention to the fact that OTC diet pills will really work, if a person consumes less fats and carbs than usual. To burn fat faster, people should increase their physical activity.

If you want to buy best over the counter diet pills in 2016-2017, then most likely, they will be from the group of drugs listed below. It is possible that new groups of slimming pills will appear too, but so far there is little information about that.

Anorectic drugs 

 the centrally acting drugs, suppressing the appetite by acting on the satiety center in the brain. Appetite suppressants are among the best and frequently used over the counter diet pills.

The drawback of some anorexigenic slimming pills is considered their cardiovascular side effects. Therefore, not all of such diet pills people can buy without prescription (similar to Phentermine).

Parapharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals 

fight obesity thanks to balanced nutrients that come into the body (vitamins and microelements). Best of OTC diet pills of that type can increase the adaptive capacity of the body and help curing or preventing other diseases.

Best OTC Parapharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals contain natural fibers extracted from plants. Fiber cleanses the intestines in a natural way, excretes the slags and toxins from the internal organs, tissues and cells.

Diuretics and laxatives 

can help to get rid of a few extra kilograms, but these are not recommended to use for a long time as a rule. With such anti-obesity treatment method, the body loses a large amount of fluid and useful microflora of the stomach.

Dehydration of the body is used quite often by bodybuilders in order to get ripped muscles. Only a small number of men and women can actually say that diuretic and laxative drugs are best over the counter diet pills.

Fat burners 

the most diverse group of over the counter diet pills. Many reviews and clinical trials data confirm that fat burners allow people to get rid of subcutaneous and visceral fat.

Drugs of such type speed up the metabolism, increasing thermogenesis and providing extra energy to the body. Best over the counter diet pills may contain such substances as caffeine, L-carnitine, chromium Picolinate, Omega-3 fatty acids and green tea extract.

Fat blockers 

prevent the absorption of lipids (fats) in the gastrointestinal tract. A proper use of fat blockers allows the body to remove about 30% of fat consumed with food.

Best over the counter fat blockers were approved by the FDA (USA), MHRA (UK) and EMA (Europe). Obese people can find these diet pills under the name Alli on the pharmacy shelves.

Alli drug have already helped hundreds of thousands of people to lose extra kilograms and change their lifestyle. You can buy best over the counter diet pills Alli not only at regular pharmacies, but also on large online or chain stores (like Walgreen and Walmart).

The global obesity epidemic is one of the most important problems of our time, since it is associated with health of our population and its solution requires many efforts from national and international organizations.

Obesity is a chronic, recurrent biological problem, which may require a long-term use of best over the counter diet pills. Treatment of obesity can be complicated by some concomitant diseases, like hypertension or type 2 diabetes.

It happens that a constant or temporary use of best over the counter diet pills may not provide the desired effect. You can read some true stories of success posted by people, who made great effort and completely changed their lifestyle.

The price of best over the counter diet pills can be quite high. Therefore, before you buy OTC diet pills, you should better find out what manufacturers offer the best prices.

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