What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction is a medical problem that affects a man’s ability to achieve or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is also known as impotence. ED is one of the most common problems that men of different ages face.
Erectile dysfunction can lead to other problems like stress and lack of confidence. It can also affect a man’s relationship with his partner.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
There are many physical problems that can lead to erectile dysfunction or ED. Some of the most common causes of ED are high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and low testosterone.
Research suggests that no matter what the cause is, consuming caffeine can improve ED to a great extent. Caffeine is mostly found in coffee, soda, and energy drinks. Having any of these on a regular basis can increase a man’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

The research
Dr. David Lopez of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) and his colleagues used 2001-04 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to investigate the role of caffeine intake in ED.
The data analyzed involved 3,724 men suffering from ED. These men were of 20 years and above. 51% of these men were suffering from high BP, 40.9% were overweight, 30.7% were obese, and about 12.4% were diabetic. By analyzing the diet data of these men, the researchers estimated their caffeine intake.
It was found that compared to men who consumed 0-7 mg of caffeine daily, men who consumed 85-170 milligrams (mg) of caffeine were 42% less likely to report ED and those who consumed 170-303 mg of caffeine were 39% less likely to report ED.
The researchers observed that higher caffeine intake could reduce the risk of ED in men who were overweight, obese, and those who had high blood pressure. However, the researchers analyzed that caffeine did not lower the risk of ED for men who suffered from diabetes.
Still, the researchers suggest that an increased intake of caffeine on a daily basis could reduce ED. It was analyzed that having two to three cups of coffee daily could cause great improvement. Though the researchers were unable to find the exact mechanisms behind this association, it is assumed that caffeine induces a series of pharmacological effects that causes the penile helicine arteries and the cavernous smooth muscle of the penis to relax, thus increasing the flow of the blood.
Erectile dysfunction can be treated with various medical as well as surgical treatments. Medicines like Viagra, Suhagra, and Levitra are very well known for treating ED. You can buy these ED pills online or from any drug store near you. These medicines are easily available online on various pharmacy websites.
When buying Viagra or kamagra online, it is recommended to order from a reputed pharmacy website only. These medicines are known to be very effective in treating ED. However, if such medications don’t help, then the person may have to undergo surgeries to treat his problem. Depending on the cause, the doctor may advise surgery
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