Diet Pills For Teens


Different Types of Diet Pills for Teens

Diet pills reduce the appetite and a patient starts eating significantly less, in such way consuming fewer calories and as a result losing weight. However, these slimming pills are mostly efficient if combined with physical exercises and reduced calorie intake.

According to statistics, Americans spend about 170 million USD per year for buying dietary supplements and at least 1/3 of this amount are underage teenagers who want to lose weight since obesity is quite common in the United States among teens and young adults. However, not always “adult” slimming pills are good and working for teens even if they have fewer side effects. Doctors strictly recommend buying diet pills for teens or by teens only after consultation because there is a risk to destroy metabolism system of a young developing body with badly chosen tablets.

The following information will be useful for everyone who looks for safe and effective diet pills for teens and want to achieve great results in losing weight without any risks.

Medical effects from using diet pills for teens

When considering medical effects from using diet pills for teens it is important to distinguish between the individual drugs. Thanks to web drugstores there are available OTC and prescription preparations- all have different effects due to the completely different active ingredients. These ingredients can be vegetative and chemical substances, depending on the drugs or dietary supplements you use. Let’s consider in detail the effects of the most popular diet pills for teens.

Appetite suppressants

The so-called appetite suppressants (anorectics) are probably the best known means be taken with quick weight loss purposes. They are classified as prescription diet pills. These are pills like Aminorex, Ephedrine, Phentermine, Sibutramine or similar by content to them medications. Appetite suppressants act on the satiety center in the hypothalamus of the brain. The weight-reducing effect is limited here but only on the time of ingestion.

Fat blockers

Among prescription diet pills for teens can be distinguished fat blockers (anti-obesity drugs). These are substances are known as preventive measures that are destroying fats in the body faster than normally. They are only for people who suffer from obesity and they should be used along with the reduced fat diet. Known are two different medicines called Chitosan and Orlistat. Xenical (Orlistat) inhibits the digestive enzyme pancreatic lipase. This makes the gut for the decomposition of fat. By the enzyme is inhibited by Orlistat, the ingested fat is excreted undigested.

Homeopathic diet supplements

Homeopathic diet pills for teens can suppress food cravings, support the detoxification of the body and help you lose weight depending on the chosen substance. It is important to listen to your body and take fewer calories than needed and at the same time to make exercises to help homeopathic pills to burn fat. Homeopathic pills can be directly prepared by homeopaths in every individual case. However, they will be good and effective not for everyone.

Possible side effects from using diet pills for teens

  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness;
  • Insomnia;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Palpitations;
  • Heart valve damage;
  • Diarrhea.

Green Tea Extract as one of the most powerful natural diet pills for teens

To avoid any of these side effects it is possible to apply natural diet supplements. Green tea extract in capsules provide a 100% healthy option apply on a regular basis as a diet pill for teenagers. They have a high anti-oxidant level promoting generally good health and caffeine that can increase metabolism. Faster metabolism can help the body burn more calories in a totally natural way.

Green tea also enhances energy levels stabilizing stamina required for physical exercises – and logically – for faster weight loss. There are many dietary products containing the extract powder of green tea leaves. It is essential to consult a healthcare specialist in order to determine which product best suit your weight loss goals. As this diet pill for teens does contain caffeine and if you have low or zero tolerance of caffeine, then it will be better find an alternative diet pill for yourself.

For the body conscious, diet pills can be a tempting option, especially those that seem to promise a magic bullet solution to weight management issues. It may be that teenagers, who are often highly exposed to external pressures to conform to a certain body image, are increasingly turning to diet pills and supplements to help lose weight. However, without proper guidance and product research and consideration, it is possible that diet pills can do teenagers more harm than good.

The FDA has approved Xenical for use as the first prescription weight-loss medication, for treating obesity in teens ages 12 to 16 years old.

“This is very good news for adolescents struggling with overweight and obesity,” says Marc S. Jacobson, MD, attending physician at Schneider Children’s Hospital of North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, in a news release.

“Obesity is an epidemic, with the number of obese adolescents doubling over the last 20 years. Physicians and parents of overweight and obese adolescents now have a safe and effective treatment option available that will help manage their child’s weight.” Jacobson is also director of the Center for Atherosclerosis Prevention in the division of adolescent medicine.

Obesity Puts Adolescents at Risk

Overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions in the U.S.Latest estimates from the CDC show that 15% of American children between the ages of 6 and 19 were overweight or obese in 2000, and the problem continues to get worse. Obesity in children is defined as having a BMI (a measure of weight for height) greater than 95% of other kids the same age.

Poor dietary habits and physical inactivity are the two main culprits contributing to this growing health problem. Adolescents who are obese are at greater risk of being obese as adults and of developing serious health problems, including type 2 diabetesand heart disease. It also puts teens at an increased risk of death.

“If a parent is concerned that their child may be overweight, it’s important to talk with their physician,” says Jacobson. “Combining diet, exercise, and changes in lifestyle habits with medication can help seriously overweight adolescents manage their weight and reduce their risk of serious health problems.”

Xenical Drops Pounds

As part of the FDA approval process, the agency examined the results of a study on obese adolescents aged 12 to 16. About 350 teens received 120 milligrams of Xenical three times a day with meals while just more than 180 kids received a placebo — neither the researchers nor the study participants knew which pill they were taking. Each teen also ate a reduced-calorie diet containing no more than 30% of calories from fat.  The teens treated with Xenical had an average weight of approximately 210 pounds. After one year of treatment, adolescents treated with Xenical had a significantly reduced BMI compared with patients receiving placebo. Among the Xenical group, 27% had a drop of at least 5% in BMI compared with 16% of those receiving placebo.

The adolescents reportedly had little trouble tolerating Xenical and side effects were generally similar to those seen in adults treated with Xenical. The most common being oily stools.

How Xenical Works

Xenical, approved for adults in 1998 and still the only drug of its type, helps promote weight loss by blocking about 30% of dietary fat from getting absorbed into the bloodstream. The long-term effects of Xenical have not been established.

Because Xenical prevents nearly one-third of the fat in the food consumed from being absorbed, patients may experience gas with oily discharge, increased bowel movements, an urgent need to have them and an inability to control them, particularly after meals containing more fat than recommended.

Xenical should not be taken if patients are pregnant, nursing, or have food absorption problems. Xenical reduces the absorption of some vitamins. Therefore, a daily multivitamin is strongly recommended.

Teenagers and Changing dietary needs

One of the reasons that many diet pills are not suitable or recommended for those aged under 18 is teenagers have constantly changing dietary needs. The metabolic rate of a teenager can change dramatically depending upon growth rates. Growing obviously takes a lot of energy, and so restricting energy from food via the use of drugs can have consequences upon physical development.

Each type of diet pill carries a different set of results and effects upon the body. Fat-binders, which prevent the digestion and absorption of some dietary fats, can cause deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins if used over a prolonged period of time. These vitamins include vitamin A, which is necessary for bone growth, tooth development, cell division, gene expression, and regulation of the immune system. Vitamin D, another fat-soluble vitamin, aids uptake of calcium into the system, and so plays a role in bone development and health, as well as immunity and cell-growth.

Metabolism boosting diet pills can cause an increase in blood pressure, which is dangerous especially considering that overweight and obese teenagers are more likely to have high blood pressure than teens in the healthy weight range. Many diet pills also contain diuretics of various strengths, which can alter levels of electrolytes in the body, as well as lowering blood pressure, and reducing sodium levels in the body. Depending upon the strength of the diuretic and the frequency in which it is consumed, other side effects can occur.

Do diet pills work for teenagers?

There are many diet pills available that have negligible effects upon weight loss, but are successful or well known due to high profile marketing campaigns. By reading customer reviews of products such as XLS-Medical fat binder, it is easy to see that consumers are divided between slating the pills failure to cause weight loss, and exalted praise for the diet pills that aided significant weight loss. No diet pill is guaranteed to cause weight loss, and what works for one person may not work for another. Similarly, what has worked for a person once may not work at all or as well if the same diet pills are used repeatedly. This is because the body becomes used to the effects of the diet pill, especially if it is based upon ingredients that stimulate metabolism or suppress appetite by interacting with the brain on a hormonal level.

Some diet pills may work in the short term, but without sustained lifestyle changes, inevitably weight will be regained over time. This may be the reason why a 2009 study found that “habitual” diet pills users are three times more likely to be overweight. The best way to use diet pills, if at all, is in conjunction with a balanced diet and active lifestyle. A balanced diet should be maintained over the long term, and viewed as a permanent health choice rather than taking any drastic action in the form of crash dieting, skipping meals or any other unhealthy weight loss behaviours.

It is important to remember that diet pills in general are formulated for adults. This means that the physical requirements of teenagers are not factored in when considering doses of ingredients. As such, it may be that many of the active ingredients present in diet pills are in high doses, which may be excessive for teenagers or children. For example, diuretics are needed in smaller amounts to affect children than is required in adults. Excessive amounts of any ingredient increases the chances of side effects occurring, and so should be avoided at all costs.

Side effects

Diet pills are often associated with side effects. These can include diarrhoea, constipation, insomnia, liver damage, headaches, oily stools, stomachaches and flatulence. This is not an extensive list of side effects, as they vary between individual diet pills, in both occurrence and severity. Diet pills that have been associated with more severe long-lasting side effects are regulated and often banned because of their risk to the health of the user. Side effects associated with many over the counter diet pills are generally short-lived and should not pose a serious health threat to a healthy adult. However, because of the large doses of some ingredients in diet pills, these side effects could present themselves more often, or as more severe, in teenagers. Generally, the effect of any diet pill upon teenagers is not researched in depth, as they are not a part of the targeted market. Clinical studies are usually undertaken with subjects being over 18 years old. This means that there are possibly serious side effects that only impact some teenagers that are not yet documented. This additional risk makes the use of diet pills in adolescents even more unadvisable.

Diet pills that contain diuretic or laxative ingredients may be damaging to health if used in large amounts over long periods of time, and often have negligible or only a temporary effect upon weight loss. High strength diuretics can cause light-headedness, dehydration, dry mouth, confusion, muscle cramps, and extreme tiredness, as well as excess urination.

Clearly, the consequences of taking diet pills extend beyond just the potential for weight loss. Choosing and taking a diet pill is a serious decision, and it is best to be fully informed before any purchase is made.

Consult your G.P

If contemplating the use of diet pills, the best advice for teenagers is to visit their general practitioner. They can provide information about recommended diet and exercise programs and talk about other lifestyle changes that may affect body weight and health in general. A doctor will also be able to explain the risks of using or misusing diet pills, which may help make the decision about what course of action to take to aid weight loss.

Finally, a doctor will also be able to see if the teenager in question will qualify as a candidate to be prescribed Orlistat. There is a strict list of criteria that the patient must adhere to, as referred to in more detail below. Orlistat is the only diet pill that will be prescribed by any doctor in the UK, and is often considered to be a last resort, due to its slow working nature and the possible side effects, as described below.


If consulting a doctor about the possibility of using diet pills to aid weight loss, Orlistat may be prescribed in the form of Xenical. This is available only to those who have a BMI of 30 or above. This level of BMI is classed as clinically obese, a status that poses serious health risks. For anyone who has any health issues that are exacerbated by being overweight, a BMI of 28 is sufficient to be prescribed Xenical.

Xenical is the only fat binder diet pill available on prescription through the NHS and has a minimum age limit of 12. Whether an individual is suitable for Xenical or not is up to the discretion of the examining doctor. However, it is important to remember that in the USA, Orlistat is not available to those aged under 18 due to FDA regulations. This suggests that the use of Orlistat by those aged under 18 is not advisable, even in the UK where it is legal.

Xenical works by binding itself to lipase enzymes in the stomach. As lipase enzymes usually break down dietary fat in the stomach so that it is small enough to be absorbed into the intestines, the physical blocking of these enzymes reduces the amount of fat that can be processed by the body. Any fat that remains unprocessed is therefore expelled as faecal matter. This process means that not all of the calories eaten are processed, which over time can lead to weight loss.

With Xenical, weight loss is intended to be slow and steady, which minimises shock to the body, whilst also minimising the chances of weight regain. Follow-up research shows that significant weight loss is possible depending upon what diet is followed alongside use of the diet pill. The side effects that are associated with Xenical can be unpleasant and can include diarrhoea, loose stools, gas, bloating, and oily leakage. These are typically a sign that too much fat is present in the diet and therefore being passed through, and the diet should be modified accordingly. Multi-vitamins should also be taken whilst using Xenical, as the nature of Xenical may lead to a deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins.

Banned substances and product research

If you are unable to purchase diet pills in shops due to age restrictions, it can be tempting to turn to the internet to purchase diet pills. This can be a risky strategy, as it is much harder to regulate the internet for sales of illegal or banned diet pills that pose a threat to health. There have been a number of deaths and serious injuries in both the U.S and the U.K that have been connected with the use of banned diet pills purchased through websites based abroad, so that they fall outside of restrictions posed by individual countries. These have included teenagers who have turned to illegal sources out of desperation, rather than seeking help from a doctor or nutritionist. Most notably, it is illegal to sell DNP for human consumption, but legal to sell as a pesticide. DNP, or 2, 4 – Dinitrophenol has led to 16 deaths in Britain alone in the past decade, often due to overheating, a side effect of this poison marketed as a diet pill.

When buying diet pills on the internet, it is an essential step to research thoroughly the product being considered. Ideally, diet pills will be purchased through legitimate suppliers such as Boots, Superdrug, Holland and Barrett, and Amazon, or prescribed by a doctor. If buying direct from the manufacturer, it is advisable to seek information about the product from other sources to check that the ingredients are legal for sale in your country of residence. This is to ensure that any side effects will not be hazardous to health. By also reading about the ingredients and research into them through clinical trials, as well as impartial customer reviews, it is possible to find out a significant amount of information about any diet pill. All of this information should be factored in when going through decision process.


It is important to remember that no diet pill is a cure for all weight issues. They need to be used, if at all, in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen for best results. Diet pills should not be used to counteract the effects of a continuing unhealthy diet high in fat and calories, as this will yield few results and puts increased levels of stress upon the body. Before any teenager seriously considers taking diet pills, they should talk to their doctor about their suitability for diet pills, as well as for more general information about their dietary needs.

This article has in general looked at teenagers under 18, but the advice does extend to teenagers who are 18 and over, as well as to some extent those in their early 20s. Other weight loss options should be considered seriously before turning to diet pills, and even then, the diet pills available should be researched thoroughly to determine what individual product is best for each individual dieter. Here at DPR is a good place to start researching diet pills, as there is plenty of advice contained in our many articles, as well as lots of information contained within the reviews of different diet pills.

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