Easy Ways To Grow Long And Thick Eyelashes


Easy Ways To Grow Long And Thick Eyelashes

Introduction :-

Eyelashes grow, fall out, and then grow back, just like your hair. However, the time required for eyelashes to grow back is much more than the hair. Also, once damaged, it is very difficult to bring back the lash to its normal state. Use of mascaras and other eye makeup products can cause severe damage to your lashes and prevent them from growing.

Let’s have a look at various methods that can help you grow your lashes.

Apply Careprost  bimatoprost ophthalmic solution

The Careprost bimatoprost ophthalmic solution can repair your damaged eyelashes. This solution is known for boosting the growth of the lashes. It helps you grow long, thick, and dark eyelashes.

Where to buy careprost from?

You can get this solution from any medical store. You can also buy careprost online.

Apply olive oil

Olive oil is known to be good for your hair. You can dip a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it on your lids. Leave it overnight to do its work.

Massage eyelids

Massaging your eyelids can increase the blood flow and boost the growth of the lashes. Ensure you massage your eyelids gently to prevent them from breaking.

Apply petroleum jelly

Regular application of petroleum jelly can stimulate the growth of your lashes. It moisturizes your lashes and prevents dryness, thus making them look thicker. You can use a clean applicator to apply petroleum jelly to your eyelids.

Try emu oil

Emu oil too can help you grow long and thick eyelashes. You just need to apply a small amount of this oil to your lashes.


Having a protein rich diet will help you grow your lashes. It is important to include lots of fruits and vegetable in your diet. Eggs too are a very rich source of protein.

Clean and brush your lashes

It is very important to carefully remove the mascara that your have applied before going to the party. Sleeping with the mascara on can cause a lot of damage to your lashes. Also, you must brush your lashes daily just the way you brush your hair.

Take Biotin supplements

Biotin is a B Vitamin that is goof for your hair, skin, and nails. To grow your lashes quickly, you can opt for Biotin supplements.

Trim your lashes

Like you trim your hair regularly to help them grow better, you can trim your lashes too. Trimming helps your lashes to grow in abundance. You can trim them using a well-sharpened cuticle trimming scissors.

Apply castor oil

Castor oil can nourish your hair follicles, thus boosting their growth. You should apply castor oil at night before going to bed and wash it the next day. You can apply the oil using a clean applicator stick.

Apply mixture of egg white and castor oil

You can also add egg white to castor oil and apply the mixture to grow long and thick eyelashes. Leave the mixture overnight.

Apply almond oil

Almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E that is known to boost the growth of the hair. It has antioxidant qualities too. You can nourish your eyelashes by applying almond oil on daily basis. You can apply this oil at bedtime and leave it overnight. You can use a cotton ball or applicator stick to apply the oil.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for thicker eyelashes.

Castor Oil

The powerful follicle-stimulating and nourishing castor oil can help you enjoy lustrous and voluminous lashes. It also helps fight micro-organisms that hamper growth.

  • Use a clean brush or a cotton swab to apply castor oil on your lashes before going to bed. You can also add a few drops of vitamin E oil to the castor oil before applying. Leave it on overnight, then rinse it off with lukewarm water in the morning.
  • Alternatively, mix together 2 tablespoons each of castor oil and fresh aloe vera gel. Apply it on your eyelashes using a cotton swab. Leave it on overnight, then rinse it off the next morning.

Follow either of these remedies daily for 2 to 3 months.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a well-known natural remedy for thicker hair growth as well as eyelashes. This oil is rich in vitamin E and oleic acid that nourish and add volume to your eyelashes. It also helps keep the lashes dark.

  • Dip a clean, old mascara stick or simply a cotton swab in warm olive oil.
  • Before going to bed, apply the oil carefully on your lashes, just as you would apply mascara.
  • Leave it on overnight, then wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning.
  • Repeat this remedy daily for a few months until you get the desired result.

Brush Your Eyelashes

Brushing your lashes can also help them grow. It will help get rid of dust and dirt particles to prevent clogged pores. Moreover, it will encourage blood circulation so that more nutrients reach the hair follicles.

  • Put a few drops of vitamin E oil or petroleum jelly on a soft-bristled eyelash brush or comb.
  • Use the brush to apply the oil or jelly directly on your lashes.
  • Continue brushing the lashes gently using upward strokes. Start from the root of the lashes and slowly move upward to the tip.
  • Brush for about 5 minutes twice daily until you see desired results.

Eyelid Massage

Massaging your eyelids promotes the growth of your eyelashes. It improves blood flow to the hair follicles, which means more nutrients reach the follicles. This stimulates hair growth and prevents thinning and breakage of your lashes.

  • Put a few drops of oil, petroleum jelly or shea butter on your eyelids.
  • Using your fingertips, massage along your lids and lash line in small, circular motions.
  • Massage for 5 to 7 minutes twice daily for a few months.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a wonderful home remedy that can help you get long, thick eyelashes. It contains several vitamins and nutrients that promote the growth of your lashes. Moreover, it helps keep your eyelashes moisturized.

  • Using a clean, old mascara wand, apply some fresh aloe vera gel on your lashes before going to bed. Leave it on overnight, then rinse it off with warm water the next morning.
  • Alternatively, mix together 1 tablespoon each of aloe vera gel and jojoba oil along with 1 teaspoon of chamomile infusion. Apply this mixture on your lashes twice a day using a clean, old mascara wand. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

Follow either of these remedies for several months for best results.

Lemon Peels

You can also use lemon peels to add volume to your eyelashes. The peels are rich in vitamins C and B, folic acid and other nutrients that promote the growth of eyelashes. Also, when infused in olive or castor oil, they will help enhance the cleansing and stimulating properties of the oil.

  • Put 1 tablespoon of moderately dried lemon peels in a container.
  • Pour enough olive or castor oil into the container, so that the peels get soaked.
  • Allow it to sit for a couple of weeks.
  • Using an old mascara stick, apply the oil on your eyelashes before going to bed.
  • Leave it on overnight, then wash it off with warm water in the morning.
  • Follow this remedy for a few months to get encouraging results.

For more information visit us our website: https://www.healthinfi.com

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