Emotional Problems Definition


Emotional problems, such as forgetfulness and inability to concentrate, worrying, irritability, depression, are definitely associated with significant decrease in estrogen level in the woman’s organism. Estrogens stimulate informative activity, adaptation to different conditions, in other words, interest to a life. And only you can decide your preferences: to take all available measures to prolong your youth or leave this process. It is evident that the positive relation to these changes in your organism is very important. An optimum method to get rid of your worrying is to understand the matter of physiological changes in you. Try to learn about all possible symptoms of menopause and all other questions worrying you.

Urogenital symptoms are appeared in the bladder tissues, urethra, and genital muscles. Estrogens support sufficient blood flow into these organs, and are responsible for their normal function. Deficiency of estrogen leads to atrophy changes in tissues, and consequently, to the problems with urination, position and function of genitals.

Change of skin and hair state is caused by the same reason: decrease in estrogen level. It is not a secret that women at this age have the dry skin: after menopause collagen, the structural basis of the tissues providing the skin with elasticity, is exposed to age changes.

Diseases of heart and vessels are the most common diseases among both men, and women. However, it is interesting that a number of women under age of menopause suffering from cardiovascular diseases is lower than men. With coming menopause, decrease in estrogen level is experienced and this ratio is equal. It is evident that estrogens are characterized by the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease development.

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What are the signs of emotional problems?

Emotional symptoms include anger, anxiety, disgust, excitement, fear, happiness, joy and sadness, to name a few. Emotional symptoms can be positive or negative and can come from within you or be a reaction to your environment. Emotional changes can be normal, temporary responses to events; however, disproportionate, extreme, persistent or unstable emotional reactions may indicate an underlying disorder.

Emotional symptoms can cause legal or financial problems, relationship difficulties, and problems at home, school or work. They can be associated with aggression, agitation, feelings of emptiness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and loss of pleasure. Alternatively, feelings of enthusiasm, grandiosity and hopefulness may be present. Emotional symptoms can lead to inappropriate behaviors, increased accidents, poor judgment, self-harm, violence, and suicide.

A number of emotional problems can arise when you’re pregnant or have had a baby.

A lot of things can add to feelings of stress, anxiety or depression during pregnancy or after the baby arrives.

Problems may arise from biological, emotional or social factors in your life. (That’s right – it’s not just hormones!)

Most people can cope with a few antenatal or postnatal difficulties, but multiple problems can be too much for anyone.

Emotional risk factors

  • Having severe Baby Blues
  • Depression or anxiety during pregnancy, or previously in your life
  • An anxious, perfectionist personality, being a “worrier” or having a negative view of life
  • Low self-esteem, especially being very critical of yourself
  • Unplanned pregnancy, being unsure about having a baby
  • Feelings that no one listened during the birth process

Family or relationship risk factors

  • Relationship difficulties
  • Being a single parent or having a partner who works away a lot
  • A lack of practical and emotional support
  • A partner who is depressed
  • Other people (partner, older children, visitors) still expect to be looked after in the same way

Medical risk factors

  • Past and present obstetric complications, including fertility problems
  • Previous pregnancy loss (miscarriage), termination (abortion) or neonatal death
  • Complications during the pregnancy, labour or delivery (for mother or baby)
  • More medical intervention in the birth than was expected
  • A long, difficult or traumatic labour

If any of these factors apply to you, you might like to talk with a health professional – even if you feel ok at the moment. By talking about these issues, you and your health professional can keep an eye on your emotions.

Also be aware that the impact of these factors can be reduced with support and understanding from your partner, family and friends.

Infant-related risk factors

  • More than one baby (twins, triplets, etc)
  • Problems with the baby’s health (including being born premature)
  • Separation from the baby (e.g., if the baby is ill or premature)
  • The baby is “difficult” (easily upset, problems feeding, sleeping)

Life event risk factors

  • Moving house
  • Change or loss of job
  • Money problems (like debt)
  • Death or illness of a family member or friend
  • Childhood or past abuse, assault or trauma
  • Natural disaster (e.g., drought, flood, bush fires)
If you sometimes feel that you have emotional problems, you are not alone. According to depression-treatment.com, women are twice as likely as men to report depression. Other emotional disorders, from generalized anxiety disorder to somatoform disorders, are also much more prevalent in women. Even if you do not suffer from a clinically diagnosable disorder, it is normal to feel overwhelmed and emotionally distraught at times. This is a normal reaction to the increasing pressures on women in today’s society. Here is what you should know about emotional problems, including how to cope and when to seek treatment.


Depression is one of the most common emotional disorders, affecting one in ten adults each year. Although women are diagnosed with depression twice as frequently as men, some experts believe that this is because men are much more likely to believe that they are responsible for fixing their own problems. Regardless of the reasons, however, the fact remains that women appear to be at higher risk for clinical depression.

Clinical depression, however, is far different from the normal human condition of occasional sadness. Like every psychological disorder, clinical depression is diagnosed according to specific criteria that are laid out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Volume IV, or DSM-IV. Most people who feel depressed do not meet the criteria of a diagnosis of depression. Of those who do, most recover independently or with the help of a few sessions of therapy. Anti-depressant medications are sometimes indicated, but should not be the first choice for treatment.

If you feel depressed and cannot seem to bring yourself out of it, consider taking one of the many depression inventories that are readily available online.

For more information visit us our website: https://www.healthinfi.com


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