Five Big Health Stories You May Have Missed


A lot is always developing and changing in the field of health -and in our everyday rushed lives, it’s impossible to keep up with all the news. So, in my attempt to catch at least some of the most interesting events, here’s a quickie of some of the latest.

Broccoli Sprouts Cut Cancer
Eating these little baby broccoli plants may help protect the stomach from common bacterial infections that can cause gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer.

Removing Hemorrhoids – Without Surgery
This painful condition that affects half of all Americans before they turn 50 can be eased by ultrasound.

Cancer Survivors Suffer Long After Treatments End
The end of cancer treatment doesn’t mean the end to anxiety and depression.

Is Organic healthier? Not Necessarily
A new British study has found no difference in nutrients between organic foods and regular supermarket varieties.

Salt and High Blood Pressure Meds
A high-salt diet contributes to hypertension – but also can reduce the effectiveness of your blood pressure medications.

1. A carer’s story

The care home sector is facing the challenges of both an ageing population with increasing health needs and funding issues. But this week BBC News told the story of Charlotte, aged 20, who works in a care home and who described how positive an experience it could be.

2. Things not to say…

And BBC3 spoke to blind people about the things they do and don’t appreciate being said to them – including giving directions to their guide dog and worrying about phrases like, ‘See you later’.

3. Too much of a good thing

The concept of drinking two litres of water each day is a popular one. But this week, scientists warned that – even with fluids – you can overdo it. Hyponatraemia – or water intoxication – is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium, an electrolyte which helps control the amount of water in the cells, in the blood is abnormally low.

4. Novel treatment

In this fascinating story, scientists suggest that some cases of bipolar disorder could actually be caused by a treatable immune disorder . Sarah Galloway described how her health declined rapidly. Within a few days of becoming ill she was sectioned. But then a chance test found she had the disorder and she is now receiving treatment – and getting her life back.

5. Activity boost

The number of women playing sport regularly in England has reached an all-time high of 7.21 million, research published by Sport England shows. The Active People Survey found the number of participants has increased by 250,000 since the organisation launched its This Girl Can campaign in 2014.


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