The phrase “health records” might bring to mind all the records that a doctor keeps”age, weight, height, immunizations and so forth. Often we use this type of data to show change, like pounds of fat lost or pounds of muscle gained. But health records need not be limited to objective data.
When we’re healthy, we feel good, our outlook on life tends to be sunnier, and we have more energy. What if we could harness that energy to keep us going toward our health goals?
Capturing and recording feelings and experiences can provide us with the motivation to help us continue to strive toward optimal physical and mental health. If you felt excited and full of energy when you tried a new healthy food or took a new class at the gym, those positive feelings might encourage you to try more new things to help you become healthier.
There are no boundaries when it comes to keeping “healthy records.” The rules are completely up to you. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

1) Select one healthy record that you’d like to keep.
Consider any of the following or create your own:
- Healthy foods tried”fruits and vegetables prepared or eaten in different ways, flavored teas, healthier recipe versions of your favorite dishes
- Sports or activities”tennis, swimming, baseball, volleyball, canoeing, dancing, martial arts, basketball, golf, badminton, bowling, bicycling, running, walking, fishing, yoga, new classes taken at the gym
- Healthy habits”increasing your water intake, getting more sleep, walking more, limiting sweets and salty and “junk” foods, getting massages, trying acupuncture, meditating and practicing breathing and relaxation techniques
2) Record your entries in the same place.
A notebook, piece of paper or computer is fine. Plan to make regular contributions so you can track your progress.
3) Record the date and time of your experience(s), as well as how you felt, physically and mentally.
Review your entries regularly to track your progress. Your experiences will start to add up, and they might make you eager to try new things that you hadn’t considered previously!
What type of healthy record keeping will keep you motivated to try new things, be more active and eat more healthfully?
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