Just as medications for humans, meds for cats are available by prescription and over the counter. Over the counter pet meds are used for treatment of diseases in cats at vet clinics and at home.
When pain is one of the symptoms or complication of cat disease, veterinarian can prescribe over the counter pain meds. Analgesic and anesthetic drugs can be prescribed if you need to prepare cat to a therapeutic procedure or a surgery.
For instance, to prepare a cat for endotracheal intubation, local anaesthesia of the laryngeal mucosa is used. For this purpose, doctors may use various over the counter pain meds for cats, including Lidocaine oromucosal spray. In the UK, such anesthetic spray is sold under the brand name Intubeaze.
To relieve moderate pain before or after surgical procedures, veterinarian can use over the counter pain meds containing Buprenorphine as analgesic agent. You can buy such over the counter pain meds for cats under different trade names, such as Buprecare, Buprenodale, Vetergesic, Buprevet, and Simbadol.
The benefit of Buprenorphine over other analgesic agents is that it can be used in combination with other analgesic drugs for cats, also for sedation and (or) anaesthesia.
The drawback of Buprenorphine is that it provides a moderate analgesic and sedative effects that is why it is not suitable for general anaesthesia.
Isoflurane is one of the most effective over the counter pain meds for cats with strong analgesic effect. This medication for cats provides a powerful and long-lasting analgesic and anesthetic effects. Therefore, it can be used to relieve severe pain or as pet meds for general anesthesia.
The advantage of Isoflurane comparing to other over the counter pain meds for cats is its easy application. A strong analgesic is produced in the form of liquid for inhalation. Therefore, when using Isoflurane to do local anesthesia and to prepare cat for general anaesthesia, subcutaneous, intravenous or intramuscular injections are not required.
Today, over the counter pain meds for cats, containing a strong analgesic agent Isoflurane are available on international market of veterinary products. These medications are sold under dozens of trade names, such as Aerrane, Attane, Iso-Vet, Isocare, Isofane, IsoFlo, Isoflurane-Vet, Isorrane, Isoxetol and Vetflurane.
All the listed over the counter pain meds for cats provide a moderate or strong analgesic effect, yet can cause severe adverse reactions. Most often, the powerful analgesic drugs cause cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects in cats.
Because of the high risk of severe side effects, most pain meds for cats listed in this review, must be used under the supervision of a professional veterinarian only.
To ease pain in cats at home, it is recommended to use some safe herbal medications, containing one or several natural active ingredients.
Natural over the counter meds for cats are sold under different trade names at vet pharmacies. Before purchasing herbal OTC pain meds for cats, you need to pay attention to the clinical cases in which they provide a significant analgesic effect.
For instance, Garlic and Fenugreek tablets for cats give analgesic effect only inflammatory diseases. Garlic and Fenugreek tablets for cats contain two natural ingredients: powdered fenugreek and essential oil of garlic.
Garlic and Fenugreek tabs for cats help to reduce inflammation of the joints and soft tissues in rheumatism and arthritis, thereby preventing the arthritic pain.
Besides the fact that these over the counter tabs for cats reduce the inflammation and pain in arthritis, they stimulate the immune system and increase the resistance of a cat’s body to infections.
Garlic and Fenugreek tablets help reducing pain, caused by inflammation of the joints and soft tissues, but they are ineffective against pain caused by cystitis.
If your cat is in pain while urinating, veterinarian can prescribe some over the counter meds containing natural active ingredients, such as Colophony, Capsicum, Cascara, Juniper Oil, as well as dry plant extracts of Buchu, Uvi Ursi and Parsley Piert.
The listed herbal ingredients improve the kidney function, removing kidney stones, and providing diuretic and antiseptic effects.
Denes Natural Pet Care is one of the manufacturers of over the counter pain meds for a symptomatic treatment of cystitis. This pharmacological company supplies pain meds for cats to the UK market of over-the-counter veterinary products.
There are hundreds of effective and safe RX and OTC pain meds for cats on international pharmaceutical market. If you want to buy over the counter pain meds for cats online, but you don’t know which one to choose, ask a vet physician for a professional online advice. You can purchase OTC pain meds for cats online and get a free advice of a veterinarian anytime and in any country of the world.
For more information visit us our website: https://www.healthinfi.com
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