Seniors Aids To Daily Living
Life expectancy has been on the rise for many years now, and medical treatments continue to improve. That has allowed many of our senior citizens to enjoy longer, healthier and more independent lives, and that is certainly a good thing.
What is not such a good thing is the fact that so many of those senior citizens will need help to get around as they get older. While most of us want to retain our independence and do as much for ourselves as possible, that is not always realistic. Whether you are caring for an aging relative in Buffalo NY or assisting an older friend in Los Angeles CA, it is important to learn what you can about assistive devices and how they can aid in independence and improve safety around the home.
There are a number of excellent devices and aids to daily living that seniors can take advantage of. Senior citizens who want to remain in their homes but have some mobility issues can use things like walkers, powered and manual wheelchairs and sturdy canes to stay safe at home and comfortable on family outings. Those who need help with the tasks of daily living like bathing and going to the bathroom can install toilet safety frames and grab bars on the shower.
Other home health and safety aids are more medical in nature. Senior citizens who suffer from breathing difficulties like COPD, asthma, lung cancer or chronic bronchitis may benefit from home respiratory care devices and oxygen tanks they can use to make breathing easier and more comfortable. Whether these devices are installed by a professional or bought off the shelf, they can be extremely valuable.
Whether you are helping an aging friend or loved one or shopping for yourself, the right assistive devices can make a big difference in your life. Many of us are spending time caring for aging parents, and in many cases those seniors will want to stay in their homes as long as possible. Maintaining a certain level of independence is vitally important to senior citizens today, and as life expectancy continuse to rise that independence will only become more important.
Installing the right devices in your home or the home of a loved one can enhance their safety and help them stay as independent as possible. From home oxygen treatments and respiratory care to wheelchairs and walkers, there are plenty of ways to make your home senior safe and allow your loved ones to stay as independent as possible.
Daily Living Aids
One of the most important ways to stay independent is to have the tools needed to accomplishing daily living activities, or DLAs. These include being able to get dressed, get up and down from a chair, bed or toilet seat and be mobile. Among the many categories of daily living aids, choices from the following can make accomplishing everyday tasks significantly easier

Daily Living Aids Categories
Alarm clocks and watches
Arthritis Aids
Hearing Assists
Bath Robes
Chair Cushions
Light Therapy
Massage Therapy
Skin Pressure Protection
Magnetic pian relief
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