Some Of The Benefits Of Plastic Surgery And Ways It Can Help You Mentally


Most people say that beauty is only on the inside of the body. The statement is hundred percent true, but it is also important to be beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside. Having a good appearance is not just to make a good impression in front of others, it also helps a person to build up his confidence and a sense of self love. A good appearance makes you love yourself and your body and you feel good about yourself and your life in general.

With the advancement of technology and science, there are many ways to improve our appearance. It is very important to have a good personality and appearance to be in sync with today’s society. Plastic surgery is one of the best ways to enhance your appearance and be happy with yourself. You can get a plastic surgery done in the leading plastic surgery clinic in Korea for great results.

Most people worry about the risks involved in the plastic surgery and do not support the idea. Here are some of the benefits of plastic surgery which can help you in your life overall. Some of them are mentioned below for your benefit:

Physical Appearance

The most important and obvious benefit of plastic surgery is to enhance the physical appearance of a person. Three most popular plastic surgeries are facelift, breast augmentation and liposuction. In case of a face lift surgery it enhances the most important features in the face that will improve your look. As for breast augmentation surgery it increases the cup size or for breast reduction.

Liposuction is just like a miracle. People struggle for losing weight for a long time, with a liposuction surgery a person can lose weight in no time. It is important to know that for some plastic surgery procedures there can be bruising and swelling immediately after the surgery but it goes away in a short period of time.


This benefit may be a little surprising for some of the readers. This benefit applies for rhinoplasty surgery. Person who has a deviated septum can get it fixed with this surgery. This can lead to better breathing pattern and no more snoring problems.


This benefit is commonly missed. It applies to the breast augmentation surgery (reduction). Women who have fuller or bigger breasts often experience back pain and bad posture. Breast reduction can reduce some weight and reduce the stress on the back and shoulders. With this surgery back pains fades quickly and improves the quality of life for the patient.

Risk for heart conditions

This benefit can be applied for both breast reduction and liposuction surgery. If unwanted weight or fat levels are removed from the body, it results in better cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It also reduces the stress on the joints because of the extra weight.

Does Plastic Surgery Improve Emotional Well-Being?

Recently, the moral debate concerning plastic surgery was thrust forcibly back into the limelight during the Oscars when formerly attractive actress Kim Novack appeared on stage and shocked the audience using only her face. A visage all-too-apparently disfigured by plastic surgery. Disgusting, awkward, depressing don’t even begin to describe the spectacle.

While we can readily understand the motivations involved in an elderly actress’ (or actor’s) decision to artificially improve her looks, any benefits the rest of us can expect from undergoing plastic surgery are perhaps less clear. We can safely assume that there are social payoffs if the surgery isn’t botched.

Maybe you can hope to become more well-liked by strangers, or you suddenly gain persuasive powers you never had, and where did that pay raise come from? However, many people who elect to have these surgeries are looking for something else. They’re doing it for me, for their own private reasons that have little or nothing to do with any objective rewards they might reap from the transformation. It’s less obvious that plastic surgery will improve these subjective factors, such as self-esteem, or happiness. Thankfully, research provides some answers.

One question we can ask is simply whether physically attractive people tend to be happier than the plainer among us. Based on the findings of one psychological study, the answer to that question appears to be no. Sort of. To get the full picture, we need to consider the differential consequences of other-perceptions and self-perceptions of physical attractiveness.

First, perhaps surprisingly, the study did not find a relationship between others’ ratings of a target’s attractiveness and the target’s happiness. In other words, people who are objectively more physically attractive are not more happy, on average. The same study did show, however, that self-perceptions of physical attractiveness do relate strongly and positively to happiness. If this seems perplexing, consider that it’s possible to be biased about how attractive you are it’s easy to feel more or less attractive than you seem to others. What appears to matter most is those feelings themselves, even if they diverge from reality to some extent.

So, perhaps plastic surgery will help people feel more attractive; if that’s true, it should improve their happiness, though again we are not forced to guess. There is research that directly addresses the question of whether having plastic surgery improves psychological well-being.

One recent study revealed benefits across a wide range of outcomes, including anxiety, social phobiadepression, body dysmorphia, goal attainment, life satisfaction, mental and physical healthself-efficacy, and self-esteem. A fairly recent review study found more evidence like this, but also qualified the main idea to some extent by demonstrating that expectations matter if you have unrealistically high expectations of what the surgery will do for you, you are likely to be disappointed and wind up less happy than you were to begin with.

Interestingly, this study also broke down the psychological benefits of plastic surgery by type of procedure. Breast augmentation and reduction were most uniformly associated with positive emotional outcomes greater social confidence and self-esteem while rhinoplasty and face lifts presented a more mixed picture. Another side point is that males tend to exhibit greater dissatisfaction overall with these procedures than females.

Everything considered, there seems to be some merit to the idea that going under the knife will improve one’s happiness, at least for a period of time, keeping in mind the exceptions and qualifications enumerated above. It’s even possible that Kim is happy with her situation, whatever it is that’s happening there on the front of her head, so long as she thinks she’s beautiful.

Aestetic surgery may permanently improve patient’s well-being.

The journal Clinical Psychological Science recently published an article stating that patients undergoing plastic surgery benefit psychologically from the physical changes, with the improvement lasting at least a year. But at the bottom of the research report there was a disturbing sentence. It said that the study was funded by Mang Medical One AG, a large provider of plastic surgery in Germany. So can we really trust the optimistic conclusion about the effects of cosmetic operations? Prof. Dr. Jürgen Margraf, leader of the study, answers some questions:

Who came up with the idea for this study?

The funder contacted me for scientific advice. They had the impression that their patients were on average quite happy with the outcome of surgery, on a medical and psychological level. They also thought that their patients became more self-assured. Yet, in the general discussion, especially in Germany, aesthetic surgery in their opinion was totally misrepresented. So they wanted to show that many patients would “be much happier” after surgery.

You ended up conducting the study, how did you protect your independence?

I told them that “happiness” as outcome would be difficult, but that satisfaction and self-assurance could be assessed reliably, if we would be a totally independent research team. We asked for a control group and for a representative comparison group from the general population, although this made the study much more expensive.

The subjects had already been operated at one of the clinics of Mang Medical One AG.  We were ensured that we would only be presented with consecutive cases with only the inclusion/exclusion criteria we set up. We analyzed the data, checked plausibility and were able to collect the reasons for people not participating. We had the right to publish the results and were in no way influenced (in fact not even contacted) during the article’s writing process.

You made use of a control group of participants who changed their minds about having plastic surgery. How did you find these people?

The control group was a very difficult part of the study. The scientifically best solution (i.e., random assignment to surgery or no surgery) was not possible for both ethical and practical reasons. We thus came up with the idea of looking at people who had shown interest in surgery but had not yet decided about it. These were recruited from people who had contacted the provider´s website, but had not made an appointment. We were able to recruit some 250 for the study and asked them why.  The most frequent answer was financial reasons, if I recall right.  The control group members typically were still thinking about an operation, at least as far as we knew.

What were your expectations?

I was personally surprised by several of our findings. I had expected to find more subjects with unrealistic goals, a greater share of subjects with clinically relevant anxiety/depression and a lower level of goal attainment. And – most of all – I suspected the improvement of psychological well-being of the subjects (including self-esteem, quality of life and mental health) to return to pre-intervention levels.

A large body of evidence shows that people go back to initial levels rather quickly, even after major life events (bot positive and negative, see for instance Ed Diener´s work). We tested the patients up to a year after surgery. It is possible that we will see differences during a longer follow-up, but typically you should see at least the beginning of this during the first year.

Benefits of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is typically done to improve one’s appearance, which is also perceived as the primary benefit to the procedure. However, improving appearance is just one of many possible benefits plastic surgery can provide. If you have been considering a plastic surgery procedure, check out a few of the advantages you might stand to gain from your decision.

Increased Self-Confidence

When you look good, you feel good. Improvements to appearance naturally translate to increased self-confidence for most people, which means a greater willingness to try new things or open up in social situations. You may also be willing to wear certain types of clothing or participate in activities you tended to avoid before your surgery, due to your discomfort with your appearance.

Improved Physical Health

Some plastic surgery procedures can improve your physical health as well as your looks. For example, rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery may improve breathing at the same time it improves the aesthetics of the nose. Breast reduction surgery improves the body contour, but it may also relieve physical discomfort like neck and back pain and skin irritation from disproportionately large breasts.

Enhanced Mental Health

Mental health benefits can be gained from plastic surgery procedures as well. Some people see a reduction in social anxiety after their surgery, due to the new feelings of self-confidence their new look inspires. It is not unusual to feel greater control over your life, become more willing to take on new challenges, or take charge of your life in a whole new way.

More Opportunities

Some studies suggest that people that are more attractive may enjoy more professional and personal opportunities. A 2012 study published in Applied Financial Economics found that attractive real estate agents were able to sell properties at a higher price than agents that were not perceived as attractive. Other studies have also found attractive people tend to make higher salaries and get selected for promotions more often.

Extra Weight Stays Off

Patients seeking body contouring, such as liposuction or a tummy tuck, may find it is easier to keep the weight down after their plastic surgery. The positive results of the procedure may motivate the person to maintain a healthy diet and exercise program to keep their weight in check. A healthy weight can also lead to a healthier body and reduced risk for some types of diseases.

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