Tapeworm Meds For Cats


Tapeworm is one of the most common classes of worms parasitizing in the intestines of kittens and adult cats. The class of tapeworms includes several different types of parasitic worms.

In the USA, the most common types of tapeworms are as follows:

  • Dipylidium caninum
  • Taenia taeniaeformis

For removal of these types of tapeworm, pet medications containing one or several antiparasitic agents are used. When manufacturing over the counter tapeworm meds for cats,

The following antiparasitic active ingredients can be used:

  • Pyrantel
  • Febantel
  • Emodepside
  • Praziquantel
  • Bunamidine

OTC tapeworm meds for cats are produced in tablets, capsules, paste or liquid for oral use. Antiparasitic medications for cats can be sold at pharmacies under different trademarks.

For example:

Liquid tapeworm med for cats containing antiparasitic agents – Praziquantel and Emodepside is sold under the brand Profender;

Tablets containing active ingredients Praziquantel and Pyrantel are available under the brand Drontal;

Pastelike tapeworm med for cats containing anthelmintic agents Febantel and Praziquantel is sold under the brand Vercom.

Besides the combined tapeworm meds for cats, medications containing just one active component can be used to fight helminths – Dipylidium and Taenia.

For example:

Tablets containing one anthelmintic agent Bunamidine Hydrochloride are sold in the US under the trade name Scolaban 400;

Tablets containing only Praziquantel are known the owners of cats under the brand names Tapeworm Dewormer and TradeWinds Tape Worm Tabs.

It should be noted that all these tapeworm meds for cats can be used to combat worms – Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis, but are not effective in the treatment of parasitic infections caused by tapeworm – Echinococcus granulosus.

To fight Echinococcus granulosus tapeworm, combined tapeworm meds for cats containing antiparasitic agents Dichlorophene and Toluene are used.

Medications containing Toluene and Dichlorophene are considered the best tapeworm meds for cats. This statement is confirmed by the fact that these medications are manufactured by dozens of companies and sold under different trademarks.

The US inhabitants know the best tapeworm meds for cats under the brand names: Elite Dog & Cat Wormer, D & T Worm, THR Worm, Worm, Trivermicide Worm, Pulvex Multipurpose Worm Caps, Tri-Plex Worm, Tiny Tiger, Difolin, Anaplex Caps, Vermiplex.

If you want to buy tapeworm meds for cats at the cheapest price, find out from a veterinary or pharmacist of veterinary pharmacy under what trade names they are sold in your region. If you have no time to search cheap tapeworm meds for cats, you can order them online at any convenient time for you.

We want to draw your attention that many medications mentioned in this review can be prescribed both to cats and to dogs. Thus, when choosing pet meds on online pharmacies, you can compare prices for identical tapeworm meds for cats and dogs and buy the cheapest ones.

When comparing prices of tapeworm meds for cats, pay attention to the doses of antiparasitic agents they contain. Moreover, when buying tapeworm meds for cats, pay attention to the indications for their use.

For instance, vet meds containing antiparasitic agent Fenbendazole are used to fight Taenia taeniaeformis, Taenia hydatigena and Taenia krabbei tapeworms in cheetahs, jaguars, leopards, lions, panthers, pumas and tigers living in the wild or in zoo.

For more information visit us our website: https://www.healthinfi.com

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