The 5 Most Reputed Dentists in NYC


Finding a good dentist is a vital thing to take a care of your oral health. A dentist can provide a comprehensive care of your teeth by replacing the damaged ones with the permanent and natural looking ones. It is necessary to conduct a search to find out the top dentist in NYC. The online sites provide all the information regarding the dentists. You can read out the reviews of the patients who have already visited the doctor before. By that you may gather an understanding of the best dentist in New York. You may also opt for the family recommendations or ask your friends about their dentists.

Top 5 dentists in NYC

Dr. Ismael Khouly– He was awarded as one of America’s top dentists in 2014 by the Consumers’ Research Council of America. International Association of Dentists also labeled him as one of the top most dentist in aesthetic and implant dentistry in New York. Dr. Khouly has obtained a DDS degree and a master’s degree in Tissue engineering. He addresses the various faculties of treatments like general dentistry, dental implant, cosmetic dentistry, bone and soft tissue grafting, teeth whitening and Prosthodontics.

Dr. Howard J. Spielman– He has obtained a DDS degree in dentistry and is a dedicated practitioner who delivers an excellent treatment. He is a member of the American Dental Association. Dr. Spielman attends many lectures and hand-on workshops across the country.

Dr. Jed M. Best– He is a pediatric dentist who has been treating the children with highest dental care in New York since 1981. Dr. Best is an esteemed member of the dental community and the American Dental Association.

Dr. Steven Jules Mondre– He is a restorative dentist in New York. Dr. Mondre contributes to the general dentistry and cosmetic care services along with the restorative dental service.

Dr. Robert Lichtenstein– He is a dentist from New York who provides personalized dental care such as dental implants, dentures or porcelain veneers. Dr. Lichtenstein keeps his clients informed about the best dental treatment that suits them.

A consultation with the top dentists in NYC can allow you to do different things like getting an idea of the service that you need to address your dental condition or determining the standard of care taken by the office of the particular doctor. Many dental clinics also offer free online consultations with the doctor based on the common dental problems faced by the people.

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