Infographic: The Changing Healthcare Landscape
While the growth of U.S. healthcare spending as a percent of GDP has slowed in recent years, healthcare costs are still increasing, while life expectancy rates are flattening, according to a new infographic by Deloitte.
The infographic looks at how national healthcare expenditures are changing, trends among the newly insured under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and upcoming, expected impacts from the ACA.
CMS’s ambitious agenda for moving Medicare into alternative payment models is driving the U.S. healthcare system toward greater value-based purchasing at a furious rate. Private payors also have pledged to continue to shift payments away from fee for service and into alternative payment models such as accountable care organizations (ACOs).
Fortunately, many healthcare organizations are already exploring value-based payments—often a single innovation at a time—testing models that reward providers for meeting Triple Aim goals of improving patient experience and population health while reducing healthcare’s per capita cost.
11 Profitable Value-Based Reimbursement Models: Lessons from Early Adopters encapsulates nearly a dozen such approaches, from Bon Secours’ building of a business case for its multidisciplinary care team to the John C. Lincoln ACO’s deep dive into data analytics to identify and manage the care of high-risk, high-cost ‘VIP’ patients to ‘beat the benchmark’ to WellPoint’s engagement of specialists in care coordination.
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