The Need To Use HCG Medicines For Treating Infertility


What does a woman do when she wants to find out if she is pregnant? By purchasing a pregnancy test kit, she can easily confirm if she is fertile. So, how is that possible? These test kits are built in a such a way that they can detect human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a type of hormone that is produced during pregnancy.

This hormone is made of cells that forms the placenta and nourishes the fertilized egg. As per biological science, the hormonal levels fluctuate and can be detected by blood or urine test. It is essential for treating infertility. Read ahead to know why you should buy the best HCG drops and injections online.

  • The role of HCG in fertility

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is extensively used for final maturation induction instead of luteinizing hormone. In the presence of mature ovarian follicles, ovulation can be triggered by the administration of the best HCG drops. As ovulation occurs between 38 and 40 hours after a single HCG injection, sexual intercourse can be performed in this duration. Also, patients that undergo IVF receive HCG to trigger the ovulation process but have an oocyte retrieval that is done at about 34 to 36 hours after injection. As the hormone supports corpus luteum, administration of HCG is used in a few circumstances to enhance the production of progesterone. The HCG in a woman’s blood ensures that the fetus gets the food it needs even if the mother is not yet eating. Gradually, the production of HCG slows down after the first weeks of pregnancy, after which the woman becomes more conscious of her diet for her health as well as that of the fetus.

  • Method of using HCG

You can buy HCG injections and the best HCG drops from a reputable online pharmacy. Avoid using large amounts of the medication. A few brands formulate the medication in a way, where a powder has to be mixed with the liquid before application. Make sure you follow the brochure that is provided with the package. You can also take a note of your doctor’s instructions while mixing the solution. Once it has blended, you can use the medicine and store the rest in a refrigerator. If you notice that the HCG liquid has changed its color, then discard the medication without using it. While prescribing you this injection, your medical practitioner may restrict certain foods or beverages that may interfere with the drug. Try to comprehend and follow the instructions as mentioned by your medical provider to avoid any fatal side effects. If you aren’t sure of the right technique of self-injecting, do not do it by yourself. Let your nurse or doctor inject you or teach you the right method to inject.

  • Need to follow the prescribed dosage

HCG drugs are hormonal medications that have to be consumed in appropriate dosages. If you accidentally skip a dosage, do not consume an extra one to recoup for the dose that you missed. Over consumption of HCG drugs can be lethal. If you have taken an extra dose, seek medical attention at once. Sometimes, the effects of HCG may not be visible initially. Instead of ignoring it, get it immediately checked with your doctor. When you buy HCG drops and injections from a best online pharmacy, you will be warned by your doctor to refrain from overdoses as it can produce hazardous side-effects on your health.

Most medical issues related to fertility can be treated with HCG medications. If you are facing any matters relating to it, feel free to discuss it with your doctor. Purchase the best HCG drops and injections online from a Reliable Rx Pharmacy to avail them at affordable prices.

What is HCG & What Does It Do?

HCG is a protein hormone produced by the placenta that is immediately released after implantation of a fertilized egg and is required to sustain pregnancy. During the early weeks of pregnancy, HCG stimulates natural progesterone production by signaling the corpus luteum (the mass of cells that remains in the ovary after ovulation) to continue to release progesterone, which causes a woman to miss her menstrual period. Production of HCG increases steadily, doubling about every 48-72 hours, during the first 10 weeks of a healthy pregnancy.

Use of HCG as a Fertility Treatment

Scientists have recently learned that HCG may be released prior to implantation to support implantation of an embryo. One 2014 study of 210 women going for In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), reports that intrauterine injection of HCG before an embryo transfer during IVF showed a “significant increase” in the implantation and pregnancy rates for those receiving the HCG injection versus those who did not.*

HCG is used as an injectable medication prescribed for medical infertility treatment. HCG is administered during medically-assisted fertility treatments in a variety of different situations when anovulation is a problem. HCG is believed to increase the probability that more healthy eggs are released from the ovaries. HCG injections are used in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) to induce or trigger ovulation for women with PCOS, or to assist with IUI, IVF or ICSI. HCG injections are often used when other medications have been taken to induce ovulation and failed.

HCG has also been used to treat other fertility conditions such as:

  • Maintaining progesterone production in the first few days after insemination
  • Increasing sperm count in men with low sperm count
  • Stimulating the development of the underdeveloped testicle/s in young boys

The Risks & Side-Effects From Use

HCG intramuscular injections do not come without side effects and cautions should be considered prior to use. It’s possible that the following symptoms may be experienced:

  • an allergic reaction to the drug and/or soreness or skin reaction at the injection site
  • upset stomach
  • headache and/or joint pain
  • fever
  • hesitancy to inject oneself due to needle size

It is also important to mention how emotionally intense regimented medically-assisted fertility procedures can be for some couples; from timing tests and scans, to injections and required frequent monitoring, and the possibility of conceiving multiples.

Serious Side-Effects

There’s a risk with HCG treatments of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS is when the ovaries rapidly swell to several times their normal size because they are producing a number of mature follicles which may cause the ovaries to leak fluid into the abdominal cavity. Most cases of OHSS are mild, but some may experience bloating, mild abdominal pain, or nausea. Severe symptoms present as sudden, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, or symptoms of dehydration. Often sexual intercourse, strenuous exercise and lifting are advised to be avoided to avoid risk of injuring swollen ovaries.

Are There Natural Alternatives?

HCG is an important naturally occurring hormone for successful implantation and pregnancy. For some women struggling with infertility this hormone may not be properly produced and released. While a doctor may suggest use of a medically-assisted fertility treatment that includes HCG injections, she may want to first consider natural options for supporting hormone balance and spontaneous ovulation.

Prior to considering ovulation inducing medications like HCG, it may be most beneficial for a woman to address the underlying issue preventing or delaying ovulation, in addition to supporting overall hormonal balance. This will help the body to improve hormone levels in order to promote ovulation and sustain pregnancy on its own. Medications are known to be fast acting, however most do not address the underlying imbalance.

Medical professionals caution that HCG injections are medications and should only be used under the strict guidance of a qualified healthcare provider.

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