Perhaps you would not be able to play a sport like you did 20 years ago. But, there are still a plethora of ways to stay in the game and enjoy it. The same is true of sex as it involves physical strength and stamina. Erectile dysfunction is one such disorder that occurs due to various reasons. It is a result of vascular, neurological, diabetes, or prostate-related treatments and surgeries. ED pills that are widely recommended by doctors across the globe can be purchased from a leading online erectile wellness pharmacy. Read ahead to learn tips on improving your sex life.
Men can judge themselves pretty harshly when it comes to their performance in between the sheets. The unsettling fear of not being able to rise to the occasion becomes a reccurring nightmare for men that is often equated with failure, loss of dignity, and masculinity. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), don’t be so hard on yourself, since impotence can almost always be improved with treatment, without having to rely on Viagra or other medications. Whether you suffer from ED, or hope to prevent the condition, here are six tips to overcome impotence without the side effects of the little blue pill.
Eat well
Sexual desire helps you engage in sexual activities. Internal and external cues can trigger it. Try consuming foods that will increase your libido. Chocolates, oysters, pumpkin seeds, raw garlic, peanuts, fish, dates, and onions are different foods that boost sexual desire to get better erections. Eating a diet that is abundant in whole grains, fish, fruits, and vegetables with less refined cereals and processed meat reduces the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Multivitamins and fortified foods are best suitable for those who have a chronic deficiency in Vitamin B12. It helps in absorbing the vitamin. When you buy ED pills such as Caverta and Suhagra online, your doctor will always advise you to maintain a balanced diet along with the medication.
Start walking
According to a Harvard study, it was found that 30 minutes of daily walking contributed to a 41% drop in the risk for ED. Research suggests that moderate exercise can restore sexual performance in obese middle-aged men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Try brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes a day, three to four times a week. It works wonders in altering and improving your cardiovascular health.
Size matters so stay slim
A trim waistline serves as a good defense. A man with a larger waist is more likely to have erectile dysfunction than a person who has a narrow waist. One of the best ways to avoid impotence is to obtain a healthy weight and then maintain it. Refrain from obesity as it increases the risk of diabetes and vascular diseases, which are two major causes of erectile dysfunction. Apparently, excess fat interferes with several hormones and that could create a problem as well.
Move your muscles

Sometimes, the stiffness of limbs and rigidity in your muscles can cause problems during erection. A strong pelvic floor improves flexibility and refrains blood from leaving the penis by pressing on a key vein. Two sets of Kegel exercises should be practiced daily for three months. These activities strengthen the muscles. If you plan on buying Suhagra and Caverta from a renowned online pharmacy, remember to combine it with a healthy lifestyle that includes reduced alcohol and cigarettes.
Pay attention to your vascular health
Health dilemmas such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high triglycerides can damage arteries in the heart, making way for strokes and heart attacks. It also leads to brain stroke causing a permanent medical disorder such as penis ED. Low levels of HDL cholesterol and an expanding waistline also contribute to impotence. You must visit your doctor to diagnose whether your vascular system is in good health. Regular checkups of the heart, brain, and the penis is a must. Major health problems can be avoided if you make necessary changes to your lifestyle.
If you are looking for ways and means to boost your sexual drive and thus prevent erectile dysfunction, it is important for you to follow the tips that are mentioned above. These tricks can potentially stop and fix impotence in men. Consult your doctor about erectile dysfunction to find out which treatment methods are right for you.
11 Ways To Overcome Erectile Dysfunction.
Walk 2 Miles in Your Own Shoes
When it comes to boosting sexual performance, many men will walk all over God’s green earth looking for ways to maintain a good sex life. Luckily men, all you have to do is walk — not run — 2 miles a day. This, along with other healthier lifestyle interventions can help obese men reduce their risk of ED, or even “reverse” current impotence, according to a 2005 study. This comes of importance, since maintaining a trim waistline is a good defense for ED, as men with a 42-inch waist are 50 percent more likely to have ED than those with a 32-inch waist. Getting to a healthy weight and maintaining it is a good strategy for preventing and treating ED.
Move Your Nether Regions
The phrase “use it before you lose it” can be applied when it comes to helping men with ED regain normal erectile function. Pelvic exercises, more commonly known as kegel exercises, are used to promote urinary continence and sexual health. They help to strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle, which does three things: allows the penis to engorge with blood during erection, it pumps during ejaculation, and it helps empty the urethra after urination, according to Healthinfi.
In a 2005 study, three months of twice-daily sets of kegel exercises combined with biofeedback and advice on lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, and limiting alcohol, worked far better than just giving the participants advice. “Wearing tight pants will affect impotence along with some other medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease,” which can also affect a man’s degree of impotence, Dr. Jennifer Burns, specializing in family practice with an emphasis on gastrointestinal health at the BienEtre Center, told Medical Daily.
Get Needled
The art of acupuncture has become the new treatment for everything from back pain, depression, and even ED. Impotence could be more of a state of mind, and acupuncture may help. Through this alternative therapy, fine needles are placed in various parts of the body to relieve pain or stress. Although there are many mixed studies for acupuncture and ED, many tend to confirm positive results. A 1999 study found acupuncture improved the quality of erection and even restored sexual activity in 39 percent of participants.
Take Some ‘Herbal Viagra’
Ginseng, specifically “red ginseng,” is known as the “herbal Viagra” that helps puts to rest men’s bedroom woes. Red ginseng is when the root has been steamed and then dried. The ginseng root is the part of the plant that is mostly used as a natural remedy when in its supplement form. However, the plant must be grown for a minimum of five years before it can be used. In a 2008 review, seven studies on red ginseng and ED, ranging in dosages from 600 to 1,000 milligrams three times a day, were found to provide evidence for the effectiveness of the herb in ED treatment.
Take This Amino Acid Found in Your Body
L-arginine, an amino acid that is naturally present in the body and helps make nitric oxide, supports a successful erection. Nitric oxide is responsible for making the blood vessels relax, which helps sustain an erection for men. A 1999 study, observed the effects of six weeks of high-dose (5 grams/day) orally administered nitric oxide (NO) donor L-arginine on men with organic ED. Thirty-one percent of those who took 5 grams/day of L-arginine experienced significant improvements in sexual function. Burns told Medical Daily, “l-arginine and deer antler velvet” have been the most popular go-to natural treatments for men.
Drink Watermelon Juice
A cold slice of watermelon can do more than just satisfy thirst and hunger during the warm summer months; it can help with bedroom satisfaction. Citrulline, the amino acid found in high concentrations of watermelon, is found to improve blood flow to the penis. A 2011 study revealed men who suffered from mild to moderate ED and took L-citrulline supplementation showed an improvement with their erectile function and were very satisfied. Natural watermelon juice, or “nature’s Viagra,” can also be easier on the stomach, since taking pills like Viagra can cause nausea and diarrhea.
Burns cautions men and says, “Not all natural treatments are a safe alternative to Viagra. Like with everything herbs have side effects just like drugs do. Depending on the person there might be drug-herb interaction and sometimes people overdose thinking more is better.”
Start walking.
According to one Harvard study, just 30 minutes of walking a day was linked with a 41% drop in risk for ED. Other research suggests that moderate exercise can help restore sexual performance in obese middle-aged men with ED.
Eat right.
In the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, eating a diet rich in natural foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fish — with fewer red and processed meat and refined grains — decreased the likelihood of ED. Another tip: a chronic deficiency in vitamin B12 may contribute to erectile dysfunction. A daily multivitamin and fortified foods are the best bets for those who absorb B12 poorly, including many older adults.
Pay attention to your vascular health.
High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides can all damage arteries in the heart (causing heart attack), in the brain (causing stroke), and leading to the penis (causing ED). Low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and an expanding waistline also contribute. Check with your doctor to find out whether your vascular system — and thus your heart, brain, and penis — is in good shape or needs a tune-up through lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medications.
Size matters, so get slim and stay slim.
A trim waistline is one good defense a man with a 42-inch waist is 50% more likely to have ED than one with a 32-inch waist. Losing weight can help fight erectile dysfunction, so getting to a healthy weight and staying there is another good strategy for avoiding or fixing ED. Obesity raises risks for vascular disease and diabetes, two major causes of ED. And excess fat interferes with several hormones that may be part of the problem as well.
Move a muscle, but we’re not talking about your biceps.
A strong pelvic floor enhances rigidity during erections and helps keep blood from leaving the penis by pressing on a key vein. In a British trial, three months of twice-daily sets of Kegel exercises (which strengthen these muscles), combined with biofeedback and advice on lifestyle changes quitting smoking, losing weight, limiting alcohol — worked far better than just advice on lifestyle changes.
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