What Is Erectile Dysfunction Pump?


How It Works

The VCD (or vacuum contriction device) is the most popular type of erectile dysfunction pump available. The device consists of an acrylic cylinder with an erectile dysfunction pump attached directly to the end of the male penis. An erectile dysfunction pump is a device used to help achieve and maintain an erection by drawing blood into the penis via air suction. It’s not a cure for erectile dysfunction (ED), but can help increase your ability to have sexual intercourse. This device is sometimes called a penis pump or vacuum pump. It’s a noninvasive treatment that can be used alone or with other ED treatments or oral medications

A constriction ring or band is put on the cylinder at the pump’s other end is applied to the penis. The cylinder is used to create a vacuum to assist the penis become erect – the band (sometimes constriction ring) is applied to help maintain erection in males.

Testimony has ended in the trial of Donald Thompson, the former judge accused of using a penis pump while presiding over an Oklahoma courtroom. According to the AP, jurors giggled at an exchange that began when a defense attorney referred to the penis pump as an out-of-date treatment for erectile dysfunction. “I still use those,” said an expert witness. “Not you, personally?” asked the lawyer. “No,” replied the witness. “I recommend those as a urologist.” Wait, do penis pumps really work?

es, they do. Doctors view the penis pump—or “vacuum constriction device,” as it’s called in the business—as a reasonable, low-cost treatment for erectile dysfunction. A report from the American Urological Association says that constriction devices might be useful in cases where PDE5-inhibitor drugs like Viagra are ineffective. Still, most men (or couples) don’t like using the penis pump: The report concludes that “low patient acceptability limits the application or use of this therapy.”

The device consists of an acrylic tube and a pumping mechanism, which can be a squeeze ball, a hand grip, a plunger, or an electric device. As the user pumps air out of the tube, the resulting vacuum increases blood flow into his erectile tissue. He then slides a “constriction ring” over the base of his penis to maintain the

A vacuum erection may not always feel like the real thing. Various sources describe them as “spongy and semi-flaccid,” purplish in color, and sometimes cold or numb. But clinical studies still find high rates of satisfaction among those who receive the vacuum treatment for ED. (Researchers measure the effectiveness of a treatment by asking patients to rate their sexual experiences on the “International Index of Erectile Function.”) The vacuum pumps have also proved successful in studies of penile rehabilitation. Certain procedures—like radical prostatectomies—can cause temporary impotence as a result of nerve damage. If you go long enough without a spontaneous erection, some of your penile tissue can atrophy, causing long-term dysfunction. It turns out that postoperative use of a penis pump may help stave off this damage.

Penis pumps are available over the counter, and some men without ED use them for masturbation or to increase their length or girth. To accomplish this latter goal, vendors suggest 30-minute sessions three or four times per week for a period of several months. The medical literature, however, does not support the idea that vacuum constriction will produce a lasting change in penis size.

If anything, overuse of the pump can damage the penis. The American Urological Association recommends only those devices that come with a “vacuum limiter,” which automatically lets in air if too much negative pressure builds in the tube. Excessive pumping without the vacuum limiter can cause penile bruising, or—in extreme cases—very serious tissue damage.

What Does an ED Pump Look Like?

The ED pump is made up of three separate parts:

  1. A clear plastic tube that is placed over your penis.
  2. A pump that is attached to the tube and powered by hand or battery.
  3. A band (sometimes called a constriction ring) that fits around the base of the erect penis.

When to use erectile dysfunction pump

First, apply water-soluble jelly to the base of the penis to create a water-tight seal. Then place your penis in the tube and pump the air out slowly. This causes your penis to fill with blood. (Note: It takes an average of 10 to 20 minutes to achieve a full erection, according to Weill Cornell Medical College.)

Next, place the band around the base of your penis to maintain your erection. The band comes in several sizes and tensions. Trial and error may be necessary to determine which band size is the most comfortable for you. Once the ring is in place, you can remove the pump and start sexual relations.

Most men can keep an erection for about 30 minutes. However, the band can cut off blood flow and cause injury if worn for longer, according to the Mayo Clinic. Remember to remove the band after intercourse. If you want to increase member, but want to avoid surgery, then you have a lot of modern and effective methods of penis enlargement without surgery. One of the most common is the use of an erectile dysfunction pump. Erectile dysfunction pump is a special medical device allowed by the FDA that acts like a vacuum pump to achieve penis enlargement. The effect is achieved by means of severe exposure of the erectile dysfunction pump on the penis, by stretching the tissue of genitals with the short-term blood flow. Cavernous body in the trunk of a penis stretches, which means that the flow of blood during an erection will be even more intense and penis size slowly increases.

Erectile dysfunction pump simulates an erection, being useful not only for penis enlargement, but also to improve its properties in the excited state. Erectile dysfunction pump used for penis enlargement makes the erect penis more elastic and firm, that helps to get much more pleasure from sex.

Who should use erectile dysfunction pump

Erectile dysfunction pump will also help those men who suffer from congenital or acquired curvature of the penis, as well as Peyronie’s disease. Use a pump as a treatment if the angle of curvature of no more than 45% from the horizontal axis. Erectile dysfunction pump can be effective in the treatment of serious diseases such as prostatitis (including chronic), the neural dysfunction of the urinary channel, adenoma and impotence. The positive effect of erectile dysfunction pump is due to the outflow of venous blood and its influx into the tissue of the penis. During the flow of blood in the tissue receives a large amount of oxygen that has a beneficial effect on the state of the penis.

Improperly used erectile dysfunction pump’s technique can be quite traumatic, and if you are new to penis enlargement, it is better to buy an extender or learn the exercises. But if you are engaged in a long time, erectile dysfunction pump can be a good complement (but not the main tool) to your program, so I will tell about the method of its application in more detail.

Pump was originally proposed as a means of prevention with a weak erection. Only recently such erectile dysfunction pumps added to the list of their indication penis enlargement. However, the majority of pumps are proposed for achieving better erections not for penis enlargement. Be careful when ordering one of erectile dysfunction pumps online – check the list of its indications.

The ED pump should be used by men with ED. It’s an especially good option for men who can’t take oral ED medications.

According to Weill Cornell, men who have the following conditions should use caution before using an ED pump:

  • history of prolonged erection
  • history of bleeding disorders or use of blood thinning medications such as warfarin (Coumadin) and clopidogrel (Plavix)
  • diminished penile sensation
  • spinal cord injury
  • curvature of the penis

You should see your doctor before using a pump. ED can be a symptom of a variety of underlying, and sometimes serious, medical conditions. Treatment for those conditions can often correct ED.

Pros of using erectile dysfunction pumps:

  • Application of any erectile dysfunction pump causes an increase in size of the penis, although this happens very slowly.
  • Provides improved erections without excessive pressure and the time of application, otherwise the pump may impair erection.
  • It is well suited for elderly people;
  • Gives the immediate effect of penis enlargement;
  • After the first use of the pump, you can receive instant visual effect of penis enlargement by about 10%.
  • Pumps are very easy to use. Examine the application’s leaflet before using the pump.

Where Can You Get an ED Pump?

Talk to your doctor. Some ED pumps are available without prescription, but your doctor can make a recommendation based on your specific condition. Be sure to tell your doctor about any other illnesses or injuries you may have had and any medications you are taking, including any other ED treatments you have already tried.

Some ED pumps sold online and in magazines may not be safe or effective. Try to choose a model with a vacuum limiter — this will prevent the pressure from building too high and causing injury.

What Are the Benefits of Using an ED Pump?

It may take a bit of practice, but most men are able to have sexual intercourse using an ED pump.

Other benefits include the following:

  • lower risk of complications than with other ED treatments
  • minimal cost after initial purchase
  • noninvasive treatment
  • it can be combined with other ED treatments, such as oral medications

What Are the Risks of Using an ED Pump?

The ED pump can interfere with spontaneity, and some men find it uncomfortable or awkward. Some men also find that they have to shave their pubic hair at the base of the penis in order to maintain a good seal.

The ED pump is generally considered to be safe, but can cause increased bleeding in men who:

  • take blood thinners
  • have sickle cell anemia
  • have any blood disorder that causes bleeding or interferes with clotting
  • Potential side effects include:
  • red dots caused by bleeding under the skin’s surface, called petechiae
  • numbness or coldness
  • bluish-colored skin
  • bruising
  • pain
  • painful ejaculation

Is the ED Pump Covered by Insurance?

With proper, detailed medical documentation, some health insurance providers will cover the expense of an ED pump in certain circumstances. However, it’s unlikely that you’ll be covered if you purchase one without seeing a doctor or receiving a diagnosis. Before purchasing an ED pump, check with your insurance provider to see if you’re covered and, if so, what documentation is required.

An Erectile dysfunction pump, once only found in the back pages of adult magazines as a cheezy product to help men keep their erections up, had now become a leading natural erectile dysfunction treatment.

So, with so many penis pumps on the market today, which one should you choose?

I’m thinking of that scene in the Austin Powers movie when the police officer pulls out his penis pump and Austin looks away in embarrassment – has today become a legitimate medical device to help men overcome the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, often due to Type 2 Diabetes, prostate surgery, or for men who don’t want to use prostate pills, like Viagra. The Erectile dysfunction pump has even been recommended by the American Urological Association as one of the best natural remedies for ED,  due to having up to a 90% effectiveness in helping men to regain normal sexual function and enjoy a healthy sex life.

If you Google “Erectile Dysfunction Pumps” you will find over 500,000 entries and many companies selling Erectile dysfunction pumps, ED pumps, ED vacuum devices, vacuum constriction devices (VCD) and more. Miraculously, every manufacturer claims their product is the best at helping you get an erection and restore sexual function. We decided to to do our own investigation to see which are the best erectile dysfunction pumps on the market today.

Disclaimer – We have not tried these products, rather we have investigated the manufacturer’s claims about product function, capability and price, as well as, testimonials from real customers to see what they say about the product and how well it met the customer’s expectations to treat erectile dysfunction.

The objective of this article is to do the time consuming work for you that you would have otherwise had to do yourself, so you have a one-stop shop to compare the best erectile dysfunction pumps in one place.

Benefits of Using an Erectile Dysfunction Pump:

  • 90% – 95% effective
  • Works in minutes not hours
  • Erection lasts up to 30 minutes
  • Allows men to regain sexual function
  • Non-drug therapy and therefore no contraindications with other medications
  • Applied externally and therefore non-invasive
  • Cost effective – less expensive than drug therapy
  • May be used for all types of ED including medical and psychological causes
  • Can be used in conjunction with other therapies to enhance the erection
  • Can be purchased without a prescription

Things to consider before using erectile dysfunction pump

Preheat the tissue of the penis, making them more flexible before applying the erectile dysfunction pump. For this purpose use warm water or within a few minutes stretch your penis. It is recommended to do “jelqing” – about 100 times before starting to use an erectile dysfunction pump. After the exercise the penis becomes swollen, it will strengthen the effect of the pumping.

To ensure a good effect from using the pump, lubricate the penis and its base with proper lubricant or grease. Do not use oily lubricant, if your pump has a rubber or silicone base. Do not lubricate the scrotum that it is not sucked into the cylinder.

Put the cylinder on the penis by gently rotating the cylinder in until the grease is distributed to the base pump, then check for leaks after a few strokes of the pump. If the leak is not – you need to add oil or grease or shave the pubic hair. If short hair pubis is unacceptable to you – you can try using more grease.

How to enlarge your penis with erectile dysfunction pump

One training per day (15 minutes) – slowly release the pressure in the erectile dysfunction pump up to level 3 (3 inches Hg) to gauge the pump. Hold this pressure level for 10 minutes, then the pressure can be reduced by 1-2 inches if it does not cause pain, stinging and other discomfort. Then slowly raise the pressure to 0, preferably after using the pump you need during few minutes massage the penis.

Take a warm shower or bath; this will restore the blood flow to the penis after using the pump.

During the application of the pump, frequency and severity of its mechanism should be increased. If erection became lethargic, you have no morning erection – it means you are doing something wrong with using the pump. These signs should alert you and you must immediately visit a doctor.

1).  Augusta Medical  Vitality Plus Battery ED Pump

This erectile dysfunction pump comes standard with:

  • An easy to use Battery Operated Negative Pressure Device
  • A Manual Negative Pressure Device
  • A Standard Cylinder
  • Two Sizing Adapters
  • Three Comfortable Tension Systems
  • A tension system loading cone
  • A tube of SomaTherapy-ED Lubricant designed specifically for this product
  • A discreet carrying case
  • A comprehensive Patient Instruction Manual
  • This is an over the counter (OTC) product that does not require a doctor’s prescription for purchase.

2. Pos T Vac BOS2000-2 Battery Operated Penis Pump

What come with the  Pos T Vac BOS-2000-2 Penis Pump:

  • BOS-2000-2 Battery Operated Pump Head
  • Regular Penile Tube
  • Multi-size tension rings
  • Loading Cone
  • Support Ring Loader
  • Water Soluble Lubricant
  • Adapter Bushing – one ‘B’ Bushing (Medium)
  • Ultimate II Rings – 3 sizes (Small, Medium, Large)
  • Instructional DVD
  • 2 AA Batteries
  • Carrying Case

3. Encore Medical Erectile Dysfunction Pump

What Comes with the Erectile Dysfunction Pump from Encore Medical?

  • Manual and battery penis pump and tube.
  • Instructional DVD.
  • 7 different size tension rings with ring loading applicator, for the perfect fit.
  • Triad Lubricant, 4 ounces.
  • Discrete carrying case with foam cut outs for placement of components.
  • Instruction book.

4. VACURECT® MODEL 1002 ED Treatment

 Includes all 10 sizes of tension systems.

• 4 oz bottle of personal lubricant.

• 4 oz bottle of strawberry personal lubricant.

• 2 oz bottle of service oil.

• Convenient zippered travel bag.

• Lifetime warranty on the cylinder.

• 30 day refund policy (20% disposal fee applies).

• This product meets FDA standards for Over-the-Counter vacuum therapy devices.

• The cylinder is 1.75 inches wide by 8.75 inches long.

5.  Owen Mumford Rapport Classic Vacuum Therapy ED Device

Owen Mumford Rapport Classic Vacuum Pump System Package Contents:

  • Clear Plastic Vacuum Tube
  • Hand Pump with Pressure Relief Valve
  • 5 Penile Rings of Different Sizes
  • 2 Transfer Sleeves of Different Sizes
  • 1 Rapport Ring Loading Cone
  • 1 Tube of Water-Soluble Lubricating Jelly
  • 1 Instructional DVD
  • Discreet System Carrying Case

For more information visit us our website: https://www.healthinfi.com


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