We are excited to announce that we will be reviewing and accepting submissions for Guest Post.
We are searching for brilliant digital marketers with a love for writing to join our contributor community and share their knowledge and experience with our readers.
We are looking for wonderful unique content with articles that range in topics such as: Fitness, General Health, Lifestyle, Health News, Nutrition, Health Tips, weight loss, Disease Conditions, Research on Health, Health Policies and Sexual Health in sort all health related topic.
We accept Submit a Guest Post from a wide variety of authors and agencies and can figure out an acceptable plan to benefit both you and your agency.
If you would like to talk about Submit a Guest Post, sponsorship, or advertising opportunities, please simply send an email!
- Content Length: Should be 800 to 3000 words, and is one that expresses the knowledge and insights of the author.
- Your Article Must be Health Categories or our website niche related.
- Unique Content: Must be creative and unique content that hasn’t been published somewhere else.
- Hyperlink: Please do not add more than 1 Do follow link of your website (Apart from resource links).
- We will add our other health related link in your post/article
- The article should be information-based and should not mention the name of the author’s company or products directly. Your company may be mentioned in a byline identification that appears at the end of the article.
- Article Submit: Submit your article in Microsoft Word doc as email attachments..
- Include a suggested title for the article and the author’s byline.
- Images: All images should be in JPG or PNG format and zip all image files in one single folder named IMAGES. Image Size is 1200*675
- We reserve the right to edit your submission including the headline, Content and subheadings. edit content If as not Follow our Guidelines and Condition.
- Focus on a single topic and provide good instructions
Please contact us via email: Info@healthinfi.com To discuss how we can work together right away! Thank you!