Symptoms of high blood pressure
Hypertension is one of the common diseases of cardiovascular system. Symptoms of hypertension are observed approximately in 30% of adult population. The prevalence of hypertension is up to 50-65% in people over 65 years.
Hypertension is a chronic disease, its main symptom is increased blood pressure. Herewith, high blood pressure is not a symptom of diseases of other organs and systems. Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators, characterizing the circulatory system work. High blood pressure indicates to the disorder of central regulation of vascular tone and heart function.
High blood pressure is dangerous because it may not accompanied by symptoms and detected by chance when measuring blood pressure. In some cases symptoms of high blood pressure include: headache, dizziness, increased fatigue, tinnitus, sleep disorder.
Symptoms of high blood pressure may appear from time to time and for a long time person may not know that he has high blood pressure. Therefore, people often turn to professionals only in severe forms of high blood pressure. In severe form of high blood pressure, main symptoms are also include: chest pain; visual deterioration; pain in the heart; tachycardia, swelling of the limbs and face.
It is recommended to see a doctor in the first symptoms of high blood pressure. Because high blood pressure can cause the development of such complications, as: heart failure; stroke; heart attack; visual impairment; kidney failure. Thus, it will be difficult to treat high blood pressure.
For most people, etiology of high blood pressure symptoms is still unknown. When reasons of high blood pressure cannot be determined, primary hypertension is diagnosed. Risk factors of primary hypertension are considered to be: genetic predisposition to high blood pressure; stress; excess body weight, sedentary lifestyle; alcohol abuse; tobacco smoking; age.
When reason of high blood pressure becomes dysfunction of nervous or endocrine systems; kidney disease, secondary hypertension is diagnosed. Secondary hypertension also includes symptoms of high blood pressure, occurring during pregnancy and when using some medicines.
It should be noted that regardless of high blood pressure reasons, they cause discomfort to a person and violate his working capacity. Therefore, in the first symptoms of high blood pressure, it should be measured. To assess blood pressure level, it should be measured on both hands at least twice at interval of not less than one minute.
Blood pressure is considered high if it is above 140/90 mm Hg. Depending on blood pressure level, there are three degrees of hypertension. In the first hypertension degree, blood pressure increases from 140/90 mm Hg up to 160/100 mm Hg. In the second degree of hypertension, indicators of blood pressure are equal to 160/100 mm Hg – 180/110 mm Hg. In the third degree of hypertension, blood pressure exceeds 180/110 mm Hg.
Main purpose of hypertension therapy is a reduction of blood pressure. Hypertension therapy is also aimed at the decrease of risk factors, contributing to high blood pressure, slowdown the symptoms progression of high blood pressure and treatment of related diseases.
Hypertension treatment is directed at lowering of blood pressure to less than 140/90 mmHg. If the therapy is well-tolerated and does not cause complications, it is advisable to reduce blood pressure to a lower level. It should be noted that it is difficult to achieve blood pressure level lower than 140/90 mm Hg in elderly patients and in patients with related diseases (cardiovascular system, diabetes) in antihypertensive therapy.
When choosing antihypertensive drug, it is recommended to assess therapy efficiency, possible side effects and advantages of antihypertensive drug in certain clinical situations. When prescribing antihypertensive drug, some factors are recommended to take into account: the presence of risk factors; target organs damage; related diseases; patient’s clinical state; drug interactions.
In modern clinical practice for reduction of high blood pressure symptoms five classes of antihypertensive drugs are used:
* angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (Captopril; Lisinopril; Fosinopril);
* AT1 receptor blockers (Eprosartan; Valsartan; Losartan);
* calcium antagonists (Verapamil, Diltiazem, Amlodipine);
* beta-blockers (Propranolol, Metoprolol, Carvedilol);
* diuretics (Hydrochlorothiazide; Indapamide; Chlorthalidone).
Combination therapy with alpha-blockers, imidazoline receptor agonists and direct renin inhibitors are prescribed in severe cases of hypertension.
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One of the most dangerous aspects of hypertension is that you may not know that you have it. In fact, nearly one-third of people who have high blood pressure don’t know it. The only way to know if your blood pressure is high is through regular checkups. This is especially important if you have a close relative who has high blood pressure.
If your blood pressure is extremely high, there may be certain symptoms to look out for, including:
- Severe headache
- Fatigue or confusion
- Vision problems
- Chest pain
- Difficulty breathing
- Irregular heartbeat
- Blood in the urine
- Pounding in your chest, neck, or ears
- If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately. You could be having a hypertensive crisis that could lead to a heart attackor stroke.
- Untreated hypertensioncan lead to serious diseases, including stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and eye problems.
High blood pressure is often associated with few or no symptoms. Many people have it for years without knowing it. However, just because high blood pressure is often symptomless doesn’t mean it is harmless. In fact, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or hypertension, causes damage to your arteries. High blood pressure is also a risk factor for stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular problems.
High blood pressure is generally a chronic condition. There are two major categories of high blood pressure (hypertension): secondary hypertension and primary hypertension.
- Secondary hypertension is high blood pressure that is the direct result of a separate health condition.
- Primary hypertension (or essential hypertension) is high blood pressure that doesn’t result from a specific cause, but instead, develops gradually over time. Many such cases are attributed to hereditary factors.
Typically, the only way to know you have it is to get your blood pressure tested.
Rare High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Rarely, people with chronic high blood pressure might have symptoms such as:
- dull headaches
- dizzy spells
- frequent nosebleeds
Emergency High Blood Pressure Symptoms
When symptoms do occur, it is usually only when blood pressure spikes suddenly and extremely enough to be considered a medical emergency. This is called a hypertensive crisis.
Hypertensive crisis (usually due to secondary high blood pressure) is defined as a blood pressure reading of 180 or above for the systolic pressure (first number) or 110 or above for the diastolic pressure (second number). If you are checking your own blood pressure and get a reading that high, wait a few minutes and then check again to make sure the first reading was accurate. Other symptoms of a hypertensive crisis may include:
- severe headache
- severe anxiety
- shortness of breath
- nosebleed
After waiting a few minutes, if your second blood pressure reading is still 180 or above, don’t wait to see whether your blood pressure comes down on its own. Call 911 immediately. If that isn’t an option, have someone drive you to the emergency room.
Emergency hypertensive crisis can result in severe complications, including fluid in the lungs, brain swelling or bleeding, a tear in the heart’s main artery, stroke, or seizures for pregnant women with eclampsia.
High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
In some cases, high blood pressure can occur during pregnancy. The cause can be a number of factors, including:
- obesity
- being inactive
- smoking and alcohol
- family history of kidney problems or hypertension
- IVF and other pregnancy-related assistance
- being over 40 years of age
- carrying more than one child (e.g., twins)
- first-time pregnancy
If high blood pressure continues after 20 weeks of pregnancy, complications such as preeclampsia may arise. Preeclampsia can cause damage to organs and the brain, which can bring on fatal seizures.
Symptoms of this are protein in urine samples, constant headaches, and excessive swelling of the hands and feet.
High blood pressure during pregnancy can cause the baby to be born prematurely, detach from the placenta, or require a cesarean delivery.
In most cases, the blood pressure will return to normal after giving birth.
Complications and Risks of High Blood Pressure
Over time, untreated high blood pressure can cause heart disease and related complications such as heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.
Other potential problems are:
- vision loss
- kidney damage
- erectile dysfunction
- fluid buildup in the lungs
- memory loss
Treatment for High Blood Pressure
There are a number of treatments for high blood pressure, ranging from lifestyle changes, weight loss, and medication. Doctors will determine the plan on whether you have high blood pressure of hypertension.
Dietary Changes
Healthy eating is an effective way to help lower high blood pressure. It is recommended to eat foods low in sodium and salt, and high in potassium.
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is a food plan prescribed by doctors to keep blood pressure in order. The focus is on low-sodium and low-cholesterol foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Some heart-healthy foods include:
- apples, bananas, and oranges
- broccoli and carrots
- legumes
- fish rich in omega-3 fatty oils
Foods to avoid are:
- foods and drinks high in sugar
- red meat
- coconut oil
It is also suggested to not consume excess alcohol while trying to manage high blood pressure. Men should drink no more than two drinks a day. Women should drink no more than one drink.
Physical activity is another important lifestyle change for managing high blood pressure. Doing aerobics and cardio a few times a week are simple exercises to add to a healthy heart routine. These exercises will get the blood pumping.
With good eating and exercise comes a healthy weight. Proper weight management helps lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. Other risks caused by being overweight are also decreased.
Another way to treat high blood pressure is by trying to eliminate and avoid stress. Stress will raise blood pressure. Try different methods of stress relief such as exercise, meditation, or music.
There are a variety of medications that can be used to treat high blood pressure if lifestyle changes alone are not helping. Most cases will require up to two different medications.
- Water or fluid pills (called diuretics) wash out excess sodium from the body. These are most often used with another pill.
- Beta-blockers slow the heartbeat. This helps less blood flow through the veins.
- Calcium channel blockers relax the blood cells by blocking calcium from going inside the muscle cells of heart and blood vessels.
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors help relax and narrow blood vessels.
- Alpha blockers cause blood to flow freely by keeping nerves from tightening the blood vessels.
- Alpha plus beta-blockers work the same way, but they also slow the heartbeat down.
- Central acting agents make the brain decrease nerve signals that tell the blood vessels to narrow.
When to See Your Doctor for High Blood Pressure
Call your doctor if any of the treatments are not working to lower high blood pressure after two or three readings. No change can be the result of another problem occurring with the high blood pressure.
You should also call your doctor if you experience:
- blurry vision
- fatigue
- nausea
- confusion
- shortness of breath
These can also be the symptoms of something else or a negative effect from the medication. In this instance, another medicine may need to be prescribed to replace the one causing discomfort.
Finding a hypertension doctor
Looking for doctors with the most experience treating hypertension? Use the doctor search tool below, powered by our partner Amino. You can find the most experienced doctors, filtered by your insurance, location, and other preferences. Amino can also help book your appointment for free.
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