Cancer is not a disease, it is a fear and everyone is scare to face it. The cells inducing cancer in a human body spread faster than anticipated. There is hardly any medication that has been invented to spread these cancer cells. It is a revolution with Nexavar that is said to be blocking the spread as well as the growth of those dangerous cells.
No other drug has been able to claim to have had this effect. Now that nexavar cancer drug claims this, we can be proud of the achievement in the field of medicine. This is one arena which has been waiting for this revolution for long.
This amazing drug helps in curing cancer in the liver, cancer of the thyroid and kidney cancer too. It is rare to hear about the healing of liver cancer but now with nexavar, liver cancer is meant to have made its way through the positive side of life. It has won over the sufferings and healed with the help of this medicine.
People all over the world have been talking about the magical effect of this truly revolutionary drug that does wonder by healing cancer. Apart from liver cancer, with Nexavar, thyroid cancer too is treatable. Many patients suffering have come out victorious fighting the battle of lives. There is no medicine at par nexavar which is casting its spell on everyone and that too positively. Can anyone say a No? I am sure no one, in fact no one will.
Life is the most precious gift one can have and to live each moment is everyone’s dream. This drug helps you live that dream with no fear of death from cancer.
My Dad has liver cancer and has had a resection done and two ablations all within a 3 year period. Each year for the past 3 years we have been in the hospital right after Christmas for a week getting one of these procedures done.
Now we are at the 4th year. Last year the Drs. said they didn’t want to do any more surgery, although my Dad is now 82, excellent health *but for the cancer (he walks on an average 6-8 miles a day). He had Hep B when he was young, but also has cirrhosis and his liver is pretty diseased.
Each year they travel to Montana and live there from mid March – mid November, then they come to Norhern CA, for the remainder of the year. I mention this because when they are in MT he has an oncologist that just monitors his situation, his surgeon and primary oncologist are at UCSF Mt. Zion.
So now we are back to the same situation we have been in the last three years. There is a spot. Just like the last three years. AFP is reading high. The Drs. told us about Nexavar, but really didn’t recommend it to my Dad because of the potential awful side effects. They basically told him to enjoy the rest of his life. And sent us on our way last year.
Well, he wants to do that, enjoy his life. But now there is that spot again. And of course it is scary to him. Have you or any or your loved ones taken Nexavar? And if so would you be so kind to tell me if the side effects were problematic for you. Of course there is the cost to consider.
I call today to make an appointment. My greatest fear is they won’t want to see him because last year they said they wouldn’t see us again next year.
Liver cancer, also known as hepatic cancer, is a cancer which starts in the liver, rather than migrating to the liver from another organ or section of the body. In other words, it is a primary liver cancer.
Cancers that originate elsewhere and eventually reach the liver are known as liver metastasis or secondary liver cancers, and are most commonly from cancer of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (colon cancer), lung cancer, renal cancer (cancer of the kidney), ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.
The liver, which is located below the right lung and under the ribcage is one of the largest organs of the human body. It is divided into the right and left lobes. Nutrient-rich blood is carried by the portal vein from the intestines to the liver, while oxygen-rich blood reaches the liver from the hepatic artery.
All vertebrates (animals with a spinal column) have a liver, as do some other animals. The liver has a range of functions, including detoxification (getting rid of toxins), synthesizing proteins, breaking down fats, and producing biochemicals that are essential for digestion. We cannot survive without a liver.
It is doing the job of pulling you out of the jaw of death. While it is quite effective drug, one ought to be very careful with the below mentioned points before beginning the dose of this medication.
- You shouldn’t have any kidney or liver damage or any problem pertaining to those organs
- Cancer in the lungs is a strict No
- You ought not have allergies of any kind
- You shouldn’t be suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems
- Any history of heart attack and stroke shouldn’t be in your medical history
- You shouldn’t be suffering from any genetic Long QT
If the above points are taken care of, you are fit to undergo the medication. You should be open while you are discussing your health condition to the doctor. Anything hidden can lead to malfunctioning. You can be careful about the composition after going through the prescribing information too.
The drug when prescribed needs to be followed strictly with no miss. The regular dose is to to take the medicine once or twice depending on the severity and diagnosis done by your physicist. Generally it should be taken one or two hours before meal on an empty stomach.
There can be negative side or side effects of taking the drug like sores in the mouth, heavy bleeding during periods, pain in the chest, blisters, weight loss, extremely high blood pressure and many more which can of sever kinds. In case you have any such symptoms or any that has not been mentioned, it is good to see a doctor and discuss.
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