About Diet Pills


Obesity epidemic has a huge impact both on the health of the individual person and the health of the whole society. Rapid growth in the number of diagnosed cases of adolescent obesity has been observed in the last ten years. Adolescent obesity develops due to the fact that children adopt eating habits of their parents, suffering from obesity and consuming a large amount of high-calorie food.

Unfortunately not every person, suffering from obesity has health insurance. So, cost of obesity treatment still remains one of the factors which most people pay attention to, choosing a way to combat obesity. Despite the fact that the most simple, safe and cheap way to treat obesity is diet therapy, not all people are able to independently abandon to use high-calorie food.

In order to reduce daily diet and herewith not to experience discomfort, it is expedient to take diet pills, possessing anorexigenic activity. It should be understood that the use of anorexigenic diet pills does not eliminate the need to keep to the diet plan. People, suffering from obesity should increase their physical activity in order to increase the efficiency of diet pills.

For obesity treatment, one can use several types of anorectic diet pills, containing different pharmaceutical ingredients. Adipex is one of the most prescribed anorectic pills in the USA. These diet pills contain an active ingredient Phentermine, which has been used in the production of anorexigenic drugs for over than 40 years. Company Teva is manufacturer and supplier of Adipex diet pills.

Bontril is less popular diet drug, having anorexigenic action. Bontril diet pills contain an active pharmaceutical ingredient Phendimetrazine which as Phentermine is a sympathomimetic amine. At the international pharmaceutical market Bontril diet pills have been available for sale for about 40 years. Manufacturer of Bontril diet pills is company Mallinckrodt, Inc. and their supplier at the international pharmaceutical market is company Valeant Pharmaceuticals.

One more sympathomimetic amine, used for diet pills production is Diethylpropion. In the USA diet pills, containing Diethylpropion are sold under trade name Tenuate. Like Bontril and Adipex diet pills, Tenuate pills have a powerful anorexigenic effect, affecting CNS functions that regulate a feeling of hunger and saturation. In retail sale Tenuate diet pills have been available for over 50 years.

For effective weight control, people suffering from obesity are often prescribed diet pills containing therapeutic doses of active ingredient Sibutramine. In the USA such diet pills are more known under trade name Meridia, but in Australia – Reductil. Unlike to Bontril, Tenuate and Adipex diet pills that are prescribed for short-term obesity treatment only, Meridia diet pills can be prescribed for long-term therapy, lasting up to 2 years. Tenuate diet pills have been available in retail sale for about 15 years.

Qsymia is the most modern diet pills, having anorexigenic potential. On the pharmacies’ shelves, these diet pills appeared only in late 2012 – early 2013 year. Qsymia is one of the few diet pills that contain two active pharmaceutical ingredients. Qsymia diet pills contain relatively small amount of Phentermine and minimum doses of active substance Topiramate. Advantage of modern Qsymia diet pills is that a small amount of Phentermine is used in their production. This means that the risk of drug dependence is significantly lower  to these pills than to diet pills, containing maximum doses of Phentermine.

If the use of anorexigenic diet pills is for some reason contraindicated , the attending doctor always can advise his patients less effective but safer alternative diet pills. They may include Xenical diet pills or diet pills, containing natural ingredients only.

Obesity is not only the health care problem but also a serious social and economic problem of global scale. Due to the fact that people, suffering from obesity partially or completely lose working capacity, billions of dollars are annually required for their professional and social rehabilitation. To say nothing of the state expenditures for financing of national programs for the prevention and treatment of obesity.

Despite the active propaganda of healthy nutrition and active lifestyle, the number of people suffering from obesity continues to grow steadily in economically developed countries. So, it is not surprising that demand for effective and most importantly safe diet pills grows simultaneous with increasing number of obese people. They are sold under dozens of different trade names at regional pharmaceutical markets.

The first diet drug with the proved therapeutic efficiency has become Fen-Phen. Subsequently, Fen-Phen diet pills are no longer used for obesity treatment, since they caused very severe cardiovascular side effects. Fen-Phen diet pills included two pharmaceutical ingredients Phentermine and Fenfluramine.

Results of clinical studies have shown that Fenfluramine had a negative effect on the functions of cardiovascular system. And after the production of Fen-Phen diet pills was stopped, pills containing only active ingredient Phentermine have gone on sale.

Diet pills, containing Phentermine are sold at pharmacies for several decades, so all potential risks associated with their use are reliable known. It should be noted that Phentermine is a prescription diet drug, prescribed for obesity treatment both in men and women. Patient’s age taking Phentermine diet pills should be no less than 12 years.

Prescription diet pills, containing Phentermine are available for sale under dozens of trade names, the most popular are Duromine (in Australia, NZ) and Adipex ( in the USA). Information about contraindications of Phentermine diet pills and about trade names they are sold at city pharmacies may be provided by the doctor, specializing in obesity treatment.

As an alternative to Phentermine diet pills, Orlistat diet pills can be prescribed for a person, suffering from obesity. A distinctive feature of Orlistat diet pills is that fats neither are splitted nor absorbed in the digestive tract after their oral administration. So, most of the fats a person eats is excreted unchanged. These pills less effective than Phentermine diet pills, however safer for the human body.

No less safe alternative to Phentermine is herbal pills with moderate anorexigenic action. But some herbal diet pills are able not only to reduce appetite but also to enhance fat metabolism. Therefore, a moderate anorexigenic activity is partially offset by increase in the rate of fat burning in the body.

Disadvantage of herbal diet pills is that they cannot be prescribed for the treatment of severe obesity, complicated by associated risk factors. But undoubted advantage of herbal diet pills is that their use allows to reduce body weight without negative effect on internal organs and physiological body functions.

Depending on the formation features of the regional pharmaceutical markets, diet pills containing only natural remedies can be sold under original trade names: Phen375, Acai berry, Hoodia, Phenamax, Slimquick, Carbozyne, Microlean, Lishou, Liposafe, Ephedra.

By choosing optimal diet pills, it is necessary to take into account obesity severity. If excess body weight poses a threat to the person’s health and life, he may be required an intensive anti-obesity therapy, which should be conducted under the constant control of the treating physician.

In modern clinical practice diet pills are prescribed as an adjunct to weight loss. As a rule, diet pills are prescribed in combination with hypo-calorie diet and physical activity. Use of diet pills contributes to the efficient fat burning, body cleansing and increase in vitality.

Given that the use of diet pills helps not only to effectively burn fats but also to decrease blood pressure and to normalize blood sugar level, their use allows to prevent the development of hypertension and diabetes. Patients with obesity are most often prescribed three types of diet pills:

*  appetite suppressants;

*  fat burners;

*  gastrointestinal lipase inhibitors.

A person, taking diet pills that are able to suppress appetite, feels fullness even in minimum consumption of food. During the use of diet pills, suppressing appetite, an adequate eating behavior is formed in a person with overweight. As a result of reduced daily diet, the stomach is reduced and a person needs a small amount of food for saturation. So, even after the discontinuation of diet pills, suppressing appetite, a person continues to eat less than before the anti-obesity therapy.

Diet pills, burning fats stimulate metabolism in the body. Feature of such diet pills is that they burn fats only during intensive physical loads. Therefore, fat burners are most often used by physically active people, engaging in sports. It should be noted that body weight may re-increase after the discontinuation of diet pills, burning fats. Risk of weight gain will increase if a person reduces a motor activity or uses foods high in carbohydrates and fats after the end of using fat burners.

Some diet pills have the property not only to burn fats but also to suppress appetite. As a rule, such diet pills contain natural ingredients only. Therefore, their anorectic effect is mild to moderate. As any other diet pills, used to fight obesity, fat burners with anorectic effect should be taken in combination with diet therapy and physical exercises.

No less popular diet pills are gastrointestinal lipase inhibitors. This type of diet pills prevent the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, entering the body with food. Their efficiency is caused by the fact that about 30% of fats entering with food are excreted unchanged. The main feature of such diet pills is that they should be taken when a large amount of food high in fats is consumed. It is also important that diet pills, preventing fat absorption reduce the absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally take multivitamins, containing fat-soluble vitamins when using such diet pills.

Expediency of using any diet pills is that not only body weight is reduced but also soft tissues of the body are cleansed of toxins in their regular use. Taken into account that obesity contributes to lipid disorders, regular use of diet pills allows not only to reduce body weight but also to normalize lipid profile. Consequently, the use of diet pills helps to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases that are one of the major obesity complications of various severity.

Efficiency of diet pills will be increased if a person, suffering from obesity keeps to a low-calorie diet and increases physical activity. In physical loads, the body uses fat accumulations to produce energy. And due to the use of diet pills, proper nutrition will be formed which provides an effective weight control even after the end of anti-obesity therapy

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