Best Diet Pills


Health care pays priority importance to fight obesity. After all, excess body weight poses a particular threat absolutely for all age groups, especially for young people, preferring fast food. Danger of obesity is not only in the fact that overweight worsens the person’s emotional and physical state but also in the fact that excess body weight causes severe diseases, including diseases requiring a prolonged and expensive treatment.

In order to fight obesity different methods are used, the first of which should be diet therapy and increase of physical activity. If these methods of dealing with obesity do not provide the expected result, the person can be prescribed medical therapy, presupposing daily use of diet pills. There are dozens of different types of drugs for weight loss, prescribed as for a short-term, so for long-term obesity therapy.

Best diet pills for a short-term obesity therapy

The most popular diet pills for a short-term obesity treatment are undoubtedly Phentermine pills. To fight obesity, Phentermine diet pills can be used not more than 3 months. Even in the case if anti-obesity drug Phentermine is used in minimum daily doses.

Despite the fact that Phentermine diet pills have a powerful anorectic effect, they should be necessarily taken in conjunction with diet therapy and exercise. In non-observance of this rule, anorectic diet pills Phentermine cannot significantly reduce body weight within a few months. Regardless of obesity severity, diet plan and intensity of physical loads, daily dose of Phentermine should not exceed 40mg.

At the international pharmaceutical market Phentermine diet pills go on sale under trade names Duromine, Adipex, Fastin and Ionamin. It should be noted that Phentermine is used in the manufacture of combined diet pills that also have anorectic effect.

In 2012 a combination oral drug Qsymia, developed by pharmaceutical company Vivus Inc. started to gain popularity. Feature of Qsymia diet pills is that they contain one more pharmaceutical ingredient Topiramate, besides active substance Phentermine. Given that Qsymia diet pills contain relatively small amount of Phentermine, the duration of their use can exceed 3 months.

Best diet pills for a long-term obesity therapy

Orlistat is not less popular weight loss drug. Unlike to Phentermine, Orlistat diet pills do not have anorexigenic effect, but effectively prevent fats absorption in gastrointestinal tract. Diet pills, containing Orlistat can be used for weight control within several years.

As any other diet pills, Orlistat pills help to quickly reduce body weight if a person, suffering from obesity is physically active and keeps to the diet. For effective weight control, diet pills Orlistat should be taken 3 times a day together with food or within one hour after meal. Optimal single dose of Orlistat is 120mg.

At the international pharmaceutical market diet pills, containing Orlistat are available for sale under trade names Xenical and Alli. Each Xenical diet pill contains 120mg of Orlistat, but each diet pill Alli – just 60mg. In the USA Xenical is prescription diet pills, but anti-obesity pills Alli are available for sale over the counter.

Best herbal diet pills

Advantage of herbal diet pills is that they stimulate weight loss without causing side effects. There are different types of diet pills that contain exclusively natural remedies. Herewith, all of the them will help to quickly reduce and to effectively control weight if are used in combination with alimentotherapy and daily physical exercises.

There are herbal diet pills that stimulate fat burning, however there are also such pills that besides metabolism stimulation reduce appetite, by helping to abandon from using a large amount of food. Over the counter herbal diet pills are sold under dozens of different trademarks, the most popular of which are: Phen375, Hoodia, Carbozyne, Lishou, Ephedra, Liposafe, Microlean, Slimquick, Phenamax and Acai berry.

If you’re having a hard time dropping unwanted pounds, you may want to consider other options, such as diet pills. While some of these over-the-counter pills contain the “best” ingredients at promoting weight loss, they don’t produce dramatic results. Consultation with a doctor is recommended to discuss safety and effectiveness of these types of diet pills and also to learn about prescription diet pill options.

Caffeine-Containing Pills

Many diet pills contain caffeine as a single ingredient or in the form of an herb such as guarana, yerba mate or kola nut. As a stimulant, caffeine increases metabolism, but generally not enough to create a significant weight loss, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements.

The caffeine-containing herbs may help with weight loss by delaying gastric emptying — meaning they keep your stomach full longer — according to a 2001 study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. However, caffeine-containing diet pills cause mild but adverse effects, such as nervousness, or serious, such as swelling of the brain, and use of these type of pills is discouraged.

Green Tea

Green tea is also a source of caffeine, but that’s not the only active ingredient believed to help with weight loss. The tea also contains catechins, which are phytochemicals that may increase metabolism. However, while green tea is a source of nutrients that help you burn calories, it doesn’t help you lose much weight, according to a 2012 study published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews. The researchers of this review study, which included a total of 14 studies and 1,562 participants, concluded that weight loss from green tea was so small it wasn’t clinically important

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee beans, which are unroasted beans, are also a source of caffeine and contain high amounts of chlorogenic acid. This particular acid has been shown to help prevent the accumulation of fat in both mice and humans, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. While it appears that green coffee bean extract is promising for weight loss, very few human studies without biased data exist, according to a 2011 review study published in Gastroenterology Research and Practice. To better assess how green coffee bean extract might help with weight loss, additional clinical research is necessary.

White Kidney Bean

White kidney beans are legumes native to Central and South America that prevent the breakdown and absorption of carbs and suppress appetite. In diet pills, the legume appears as Phaseolus vulgaris. When taken as part of a reduced-calorie diet, participants in a small study — published in 2014 in Obesity — lost 6 pounds over a 12-week period, compared to 2 pounds in the control group. However, a review study from 2011 published in the British Journal of Nutrition says much of the research on white kidney beans and weight loss are flawed, and recommends larger, more rigorous studies to figure out how well it works.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is made from linoleic acid and occurs naturally in animal foods such as milk and beef. Scientists theorize that CLA helps promote weight loss by destroying fat cells. Supplementation with CLA appears to help promote weight loss in obese people, according to a 2012 study published in Nutrition. However, the researchers note that, even though the study subjects lost some weight, they still didn’t lose much, suggesting CLA alone isn’t a magic bullet for significant weight loss. Additionally, a review study on CLA and weight loss reports mixed results, and study authors expressed concern that it might increase triglyceride and LDL, or bad, cholesterol, while lowering HDL, or good, cholesterol. If you’re worried about your cholesterol levels, that’s a significant drawback.


Pyruvate is a chemical produced by your body during the production of glucose. It’s also found in some diet pills, usually in the form of calcium pyruvate. Pyruvate might increase your fat-burning potential and metabolism, which could theoretically help you lose weight. While pyruvate does appear to help promote small amounts of weight loss, the current research is limited, according to a 2014 review study from Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. And like many of the ingredients found in diet pills, more research is needed to further evaluate weight-loss claims.


Chromium is an essential trace mineral that helps control your blood sugar levels, and fuels an active lifestyle by helping your cells access glucose, a fast and easy source of energy. It might help you increase your lean body mass and burn more. Chromium supplementation is linked to weight loss, according to a 2013 review study published in Obesity Review, which looked at the results from 11 prior studies. However, like other diet pills, chromium alone didn’t trigger significant weight loss; it seems to offer a modest benefit at best.

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