Balanced diet and sufficient physical activity can normalize the metabolism and prevent overweight or obesity. Imbalance between consumed calories and expended energy inevitably lead to changes of the body weight.
People ask practicing nutritionists common questions, asking to help them solve one and the same problems, for instance.
- Can you recommend me the most effective diet pills?
- What diet pills have the best feedbacks?
- How do I compare the most effective diet pills?
- What weight loss pills should I buy?
Some overweight people are ready to pay any money to restore the body shape they used to have, yet they are not willing to change their lifestyle. Even the most effective diet pills cannot solve all problems for you. The best weight loss medications speed up the treatment, but they are not a panacea against excess weight. People should not trust manufacturers of “the most effective diet pills”, who write on their package:
- Reduces the body weight by 10 kg within just 3 days!
- Do not increase your physical activity during the use.
- Eat high-calorie foods and do not limit fatty foods.
You can buy many drugs, which producers claim that these are the most effective drugs on the pharmaceutical market. Diet pills can actually reduce your body weight even within a short period of time, but not by 10 kg within 3 days!
People need to burn fat gradually, because a rapid weight loss may cause dysfunctions of the main systems in the body and pose a great threat for health. A long-term starvation or refusal from one kind of microelements may slow down the metabolism and cause various chronic diseases.
Principle of action of the most effective diet pills
According to the principle of action, we may determine several groups of best diet pills. The first group includes medications, suppressing the appetite. The effect of such weight loss pills is aimed at stimulation of the brain areas, responsible for hunger and satiety.
Anorexigenic drugs allow using effective diets without feeling gnawing hunger pangs. The best appetite suppressants contribute to formation of good dietary habits that may prevent the accumulation of extra fat in future.
The second group of the most effective diet pills includes drugs containing microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). Drugs of this group do not affect the CNS. Their principle of action is based on decreasing of appetite by filling up the stomach with calorie-free substances.
After intake, the MCC fibers absorb all liquid, increasing in volume. The brain gets signals from the stomach that it is partially full and this reduces hunger. Besides, the most effective diet pills, based on MCC cleanse the stomach walls, thereby improving the digestion.
The third group of the most effective diet pills consists of drugs, based on Orlistat substance. This is a specific gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor, which prevents the absorption of fat in the gastrointestinal tract.
Orlistat diet pills (Alli or Xenical) do not cause any cardiovascular side effects. Most obese people have heart problems of any kind; hence, many of them should better use Orlistat.
Aside from that, we can highlight diet pills that provide thermogenic effect or remove excess fluid from the body. Usually, medications possessing just these properties do not cause a long-term weight loss effect. But the most effective diet pills that, for instance, can reduce the appetite and remove excess water from the body, are more preferable for people.
Buy the most effective diet pills online
Every overweight person can buy the best diet pills online. If you know what exactly you want to use, then you need to find an online pharmacy, offering weight loss pills at the best price. Reading feedbacks, you may check the reliability of the online pharmacy.
To buy over-the-counter most effective diet pills online, you need to undergo a medical examination. Such drugs as Phentermine are not recommended to use in some pathologies. Before using Phentermine, a person must make sure he does not have any dysfunctions of the main systems in the body.
You can buy Orlistat anti-obesity drug with or without prescription. The difference is only the drug dosage. Orlistat 60mg pills are available online without prescription at pharmacies. To buy Orlistat 120mg pills you should be examined by a doctor.
There are many diet pills on pharmaceutical market and their number increases every year. To choose the most c, you should compare their safety and principles of action. One and the same weight loss pills may act in people differently. Therefore, you should try not one but several drugs.
1. Garcinia Cambogia Extract
Garcinia cambogia became popular worldwide after being featured on the Dr. Oz show in 2012.
It is a small, green fruit, shaped like a pumpkin.
The skin of the fruit contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). This is the active ingredient in garcinia cambogia extract, which is marketed as a diet pill.
How it works: Animal studies show that it can inhibit a fat-producing enzyme in the body and increase levels of serotonin, potentially helping to reduce cravings.
Effectiveness: One study with 130 people compared garcinia against a dummy pill. There was no difference in weight or body fat percentage between groups.
A 2011 review that looked at 12 studies on garcinia cambogia found that, on average, it caused weight loss of about 2 pounds (0.88 kg) over several weeks.
Side effects: There are no reports of serious side effects, but some reports of mild digestive problems.
2. Hydroxycut
Hydroxycut has been around for more than a decade, and is currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world.
There are several different types, but the most common one is simply called “Hydroxycut.”
How it works: It contains several ingredients that are claimed to help with weight loss, including caffeine and a few plant extracts.
Effectiveness: One study showed that it caused 21 lbs (9.5 kg) of weight loss over a 3 month period (5).
Side effects: If you are caffeine sensitive, you may experience anxiety, jitteriness, tremors, nausea, diarrhea and irritability.
3. Caffeine
Caffeine is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world.
It is found naturally in coffee, green tea and dark chocolate, and added to many processed foods and beverages.
Caffeine is a well known metabolism booster, and is often added to commercial weight loss supplements.
How it works: Short-term studies have shown that caffeine can boost metabolism by 3-11%, and increase fat burning by up to 29%.
Effectiveness: There are also some studies showing that caffeine can cause modest weight loss in humans.
.Side effects: In some people, high amounts of caffeine can cause anxiety, insomnia, jitteriness, irritability, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms. Caffeine is also addictive and can reduce the quality of your sleep.
There really is no need to take a supplement or a pill with caffeine in it. The best sources are quality coffee and green tea, which also have antioxidants and other health benefits.
4. Orlistat (Alli)
Orlistat is a pharmaceutical drug, sold over-the-counter under the name Alli, and under prescription as Xenical.
How it works: This weight loss pill works by inhibiting the breakdown of fat in the gut, making you take in fewer calories from fat.
Effectiveness: According to a big review of 11 studies, orlistat can increase weight loss by 6 pounds (2.7 kg) compared to a dummy pill.
Other benefits: Orlistat has been shown to reduce blood pressure slightly, and reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 37% in one study.
Side effects: This drug has many digestive side effects, including loose, oily stools, flatulence, frequent bowel movements that are hard to control, and others. It may also contribute to deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and K.
It is usually recommended to follow a low-fat diet while taking orlistat, in order to minimize side effects.
Interestingly, a low carb diet (without drugs) has been shown to be as effective as both orlistat and a low-fat diet combined.
5. Raspberry Ketones
Raspberry ketone is a substance found in raspberries, which is responsible for their distinct smell.
A synthetic version of raspberry ketones is sold as a weight loss supplement.
How it works: In isolated fat cells from rats, raspberry ketones increase breakdown of fat and increase levels of a hormone called adiponectin, believed to be related to weight loss.
Effectiveness: There is not a single study on raspberry ketones in humans, but one rat study using massive doses showed that they reduced weight gain.
Side effects: They may cause your burps to smell like raspberries.
6. Green Coffee Bean Extract
Green coffee beans are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.
They contain two substances believed to help with weight loss, caffeine and chlorogenic acid.
How it works: Caffeine can increase fat burning, and chlorogenic acid can slow the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut.
Effectiveness: Several human studies have shown that green coffee bean extract can help people lose weight.
A review of 3 studies found that the supplement made people lose 5.4 more pounds (2.5 kg) than placebo, a dummy pill.
Other benefits: Green coffee bean extract may help lower blood sugar levels, and reduce blood pressure. It is also high in antioxidants.
Side effects: It can cause the same side effects as caffeine. The chlorogenic acid in it may also cause diarrhea, and some people may be allergic to green coffee beans
7. Glucomannan
Glucomannan is a type of fiber found in the roots of the elephant yam, also called konjac.
How it works: Glucomannan absorbs water and becomes gel-like. It “sits” in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories.
Effectiveness: Three human studies showed that glucomannan, combined with a healthy diet, can help people lose 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg) of weight in 5 weeks.
Other benefits: Glucomannan is a fiber that can feed the friendly bacteria in the intestine. It can also lower blood sugar, blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and is very effective against constipation.
Side effects: It can cause bloating, flatulence and soft stools, and can interfere with some oral medications if taken at the same time.
It is important to take glucomannan about a half an hour before meals, with a glass of water.
8. Meratrim
Meratrim is a relative newcomer on the diet pill market.
It is a combination of two plant extracts that may change the metabolism of fat cells.
How it works: It is claimed to make it harder for fat cells to multiply, decrease the amount of fat that they pick up from the bloodstream, and help them burn stored fat.
Effectiveness: So far, only one study has been done on Meratrim. A total of 100 obese people were placed on a strict 2000 calorie diet, with either Meratrim or a dummy pill.
After 8 weeks, the Meratrim group had lost 11 pounds (5.2 kg) of weight and 4.7 inches (11.9 cm) off their waistlines. They also had improved quality of life and reduced blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.
Side effects: No side effects have been reported.
9. Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract is a popular ingredient in many weight loss supplements.
This is because numerous studies have shown the main antioxidant in it, EGCG, to aid fat burning.
How it works: Green tea extract is believed to increase the activity of norepinephrine, a hormone that helps you burn fat.
Effectiveness: Many human studies have shown that green tea extract can increase fat burning and cause fat loss, especially in the belly area.
Side effects: Green tea extract is generally well tolerated. It does contain some caffeine, and may cause symptoms in people who are caffeine sensitive.
Additionally, all of the health benefits of drinking green tea should apply to green tea extract as well.
10. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, has been a popular fat loss supplement for years.
It is one of the “healthier” trans fats, and is found naturally in some fatty animal foods like cheese and butter.
How it works: CLA may reduce appetite, boost metabolism and stimulate the breakdown of body fat.
Effectiveness: In a major review of 18 different studies, CLA caused weight loss of about 0.2 pounds (0.1 kg) per week, for up to 6 months.
According to another review study from 2012, CLA can make you lose about 3 lbs (1.3 kg) of weight, compared to a dummy pill.
Side effects: CLA can cause various digestive side effects, and may have harmful effects over the long term, potentially contributing to fatty liver, insulin resistance and increased inflammation.
11. Forskolin
Forskolin is an extract from a plant in the mint family, claimed to be effective for losing weight.
How it works: It is believed to raise levels of a compound inside cells called cAMP, which may stimulate fat burning.
Effectiveness: One study in 30 overweight and obese men showed that forskolin reduced body fat and increased muscle mass, while having no effect on body weight. Another study in 23 overweight women found no effects .
Side effects: There is very limited data on the safety of this supplement, or the risk of side effects.
12. Bitter Orange / Synephrine
A type of orange called bitter orange contains the compound synephrine.
Synephrine is related to ephedrine, which used to be a popular ingredient in various weight loss pill formulations.
However, ephedrine has since been banned as a weight loss ingredient by the FDA because of serious side effects.
How it works: Synephrine shares similar mechanisms with ephedrine, but is less potent. It can reduce appetite and significantly increase fat burning.
Effectiveness: Very few studies have been done on synephrine, but ephedrine has been shown to cause significant short-term weight loss in many studies.
Side effects: Like ephedrine, synephrine may have serious side effects related to the heart. It may also be addictive.
Prescription Medication
Additionally, there are many prescription weight loss pills that have been shown to be effective.
The most common ones are Contrave, Belviq, Phentermine and Qsymia.
According to a recent 2014 review study, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you would hope.
On average, they may help you lose up to 3-9% of body weight compared to a dummy pill.
Keep in mind that this is only when combined with a healthy weight loss diet. They are ineffective on their own, and hardly a solution to obesity.
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