Natural Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction


Many years, erectile dysfunction was considered as the most unpleasant disorders in the male body, so people were trying to find ways to cure it even in ancient times. Although our ancestors were not versed in chemistry, they noticed that some plants have positive effect on their health. For example: Ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus, golden root, Leuzea, Baryta Carbonica and Ashwagandha. To cure erectile dysfunction, people from different regions used their local herbs. Ancient healers have been making tinctures from herbs to cure their patients. This was the time, when herbal medicines appeared. Moreover, natural remedies for erectile dysfunction treatment are still used in our days.

The purpose of herbal medicines for erectile dysfunction is to: increase the libido, improve the function of the urinary tract, strengthen the immune system and reduce anxiety. Herbal medicine products are based on herbal drugs. Usually they consist of several herbs with components of animal origin. The information on components of herbal medicines must be indicated on the pack. Thus composition of different medicines for erectile dysfunction may vary. Here are some examples of herbal medicines for erectile dysfunction:

When you’re living with erectile dysfunction (ED), you’ll consider doing just about anything to get your sex life back on track. Eating roots like ginseng — fine. Drinking special juices like pomegranate — tasty. Even becoming a human pin-cushion for a treatment like acupuncture — bring it on. But do any of these things really work? Eric Laborde, MD, a spokesman for the American Urological Association, is skeptical.

“There is a huge placebo effect with erectile dysfunction,” he says. “I could give you anything and tell you it’ll work and it will in the short term.” For that reason, he says, what little studies that have been done on herbal remedies are less than convincing.

On the other hand, Geo Espinosa, director of the Integrative Urological Center at NYU Langone Medical Center, says there are some natural alternatives to popular ED medicines. Take them with your doctor’s OK, and they can help you get and keep an erection. “It’s not like you go into the forest and just eat a leaf,” he says. “You don’t take them right before sex. But there are real natural approaches that work by building up sexual health over time.”


 This traditional Chinese needle therapy is said to boost blood flow. It’s most often used to treat chronic headaches and back pain. But some men have found it works for erectile dysfunction.

Though studies are mixed, many show positive results when acupuncture is used to treat ED. A 1999 study, for example, found that acupuncture improved the quality of erections and restored sexual activity in 39 percent of participants. A later study published in 2003 reported that 21 percent of ED patients who received acupuncture had improved erections. Other studies have shown conflicting results, but this treatment has potential and may work for you. The risks of acupuncture are low if provided by a licensed acupuncturist. Acupuncture shows promise for treating ED, but more studies are needed.

While some studies back up acupuncture’s claim to work for ED, the evidence is rather scant.


 It’s found naturally in food, and it relaxes blood vessels and is used to treat heart problems. Doctors think it boosts circulation to the penis, but Espinosa says he doesn’t recommend it much because the body metabolizes it so quickly. “You need a lot and you need to take it frequently for it to work,” he says.

Instead, Espinosa suggests taking L-citrulline, which helps your body make more arginine. But, he warns, high doses can lower your blood pressure.


The hormone that your body converts into testosterone might sound like the most natural salve for a lagging love life. Sometimes it can help ED, but that’s not always the case. “If your testosterone is low, then that might be playing a role” in your erectile dysfunction, Laborde says. “But if it’s normal, making more testosterone is not going to help you.”  Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a natural hormone produced by your adrenal glands. It can be converted to both estrogen and testosterone in the body. Scientists make the dietary supplement from wild yam and soy.

The influential Massachusetts male aging study showed that men with ED were more likely to have low levels of DHEA. In 2009, 40 men with ED participated in another study in which half receiving 50 mg DHEA and half receiving a placebo once a day for six months. Those receiving the DHEA were more likely to achieve and maintain an erection.

More recently, DHEA has been identified as an option for treatment of ED for men with concurrent diabetes. ED commonly affects these men because of hormonal issues as well as diabetes complications that interfere with blood flow to organs.

Ginkgo Biloba: 

One of the best-selling herbal remedies in the U.S. and Europe, extracts from this species of tree can boost blood flow. It’s widely used to treat blood disorders and memory issues, but some people use it to treat ED. “The downside is: It just doesn’t work,” Laborde says. Meanwhile the possible side effects can include increased bleeding, convulsions, diarrhea, and upset stomach.

Espinosa says he recommends ginkgo more for the brain than for erectile dysfunction.


Korean red ginseng is a widely used herbal ED remedy. That’s partly because it’s been shown in studies to do some good — even though researchers still can’t quite explain how it works.

“If someone really wants an herbal supplement, I’ll recommend ginseng,” Laborde says. “At least it’s not going to hurt you.”

Horny Goat Weed:

 Extracts from the leaves of this herb have long been used as an ED remedy in traditional Chinese medicine. At least one study on rats showed promise, but it has yet to be tested on people. Espinosa says the herb generally boosts energy, and he recommends it more to balance out your whole body as opposed to targeting ED. It has been linked to low blood pressure.


L-arginine is an amino acid naturally present in your body. It helps make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels to facilitate a successful erection and is essential for healthy sexual functioning.

Researchers studied the effects of L-arginine on ED. Thirty-one percent of men with ED taking 5 grams of L-arginine per day experienced significant improvements in sexual function. A second study showed that L-arginine combined with pycnogenol, a plant product from tree bark, restored sexual ability to 80 percent of participants after two months. Ninety-two percent had restored sexual ability after three months. Another placebo-controlled study found that L-arginine in combination with other medications was well-tolerated, safe, and effective for mild-to-moderate ED.


Juice and extract from this fruit is known for being packed with nutrients. But Espinosa says it can also help arteries expand and remain supple. While no real proof ties it to erectile dysfunction, he suggests it to his patients for its overall health benefits.

Rhodiola Rosea: 

Also known as “golden root,” this plant is a relatively new herbal remedy in the U.S. It’s been used to boost endurance and sexual function in Russian folk medicine for decades. One small study indicated that Rhodiola rosea may be helpful. Twenty-six out of 35 men were given 150 to 200 mg a day for three months. They experienced substantially improved sexual function. This herb has been shown to improve energy and reduce fatigue. More studies are needed to understand action and ensure safety.

Yohimbe Plus

Herbal medicine product Yohimbe Plus comes in tablet form. Yohimbe Plus components: Yohimbe bark extract, bark Muira puama, licorice root, saw palmetto fruit, damiana leaves and Siberian ginseng root. For years the bark from this African tree was a go-to supplement for ED. Some clinical trials have shown improvement for people who have sexual problems due to depression meds.

This supplement is extracted from the bark of the African yohimbe tree. Some studies have shown positive effects on sexual performance with use of this drug.

However, the American Urological Association doesn’t recommend yohimbe as an ED treatment. This is because there’s not a lot of evidence proving it works. Its side effects might be damaging to health. These include increased blood pressure and heart rate, irritability, and tremor. If you decide you want to try yohimbe, be sure to talk to your doctor beforehand.

But the list of side effects includes increased blood pressure, fast or irregular heartbeat, and anxiety. Make sure you talk to your doctor before you try it. Yohimbe Plus provides vasodilation effect, increasing the blood inflow to the penis. It also increases the libido. However, this herbal product can provoke nervous irritation and increase the blood pressure.

Bali Mojo

Bali Mojo herbal medicine product contains: Saw palmetto, Ginkgo Biloba, Tongkat ali, Cnidium Monnier, Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Herba Epimedii and Tribulus Terrestris. Bali Mojo speeds up the production of sperm, can improve sexual stamina and stimulate libido. This product can be used by both men and women.

Old Captain

Old Captain herbal product is based on: fresh oyster, birds nest, sea cucumber, oyster extract, fur seal kidney, seals penis, kelp and angle swallow G protein. Old Captain manufacturers claim that besides improvement of erection, herbal medicines can be effective for the treatment of prostatitis and frequent urination.

Please note that herbal medicine products cannot replace the FDA approved drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment, like for example Viagra or Cialis. For severe erectile dysfunction natural remedies are not effective. Although this drugs are based on natural ingredients, they also have contraindications and side effects. For instance, Yohimbe Plus is not recommended in diabetes, but Bali Mojo may cause high blood pressure. All herbal medicine products can provoke allergic reactions.

Natural remedies for erectile dysfunction – sports and diet

Healthy diet and regular exercises these are two obvious natural remedies for the treatment and prophylaxis of erectile dysfunction. There is a close connection between lifestyle and erectile dysfunction. Thus for example, daily diet high in fats and carbohydrates is among the main causes of potency disorders.

Excess weight provokes cardiovascular and endocrine diseases. Fat deposits stimulate the release of female sexual hormones and inhibit the production of androgens. As a result, testosterone levels drop, vanishing sexual desire. In addition, blood vessels, responsible for blood flow to the genitals, are damaged as well. So those who want to get rid of erectile dysfunction, should first of all solve the excess weight problem.

Thus, diet is one of natural remedies for erectile dysfunction problems. Daily diet must include products high in proteins: fish, meat, oysters, rabbit, hard cheeses. Also it should consist of fruit and vegetables: celery, apples, parsley, carrot, cabbage. Sexual desire can be awakened by spices: nutmeg, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, black pepper and vanilla. But the oldest recipe to strengthen the potency is mix of nuts and honey. Just one table spoon of this delicious remedy contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, reducing the risk of blood clots and improving the quality of sperm. It also contains microelements that restore erection and vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

In addition to regular healthy diet, it is recommended to take vitamins and minerals in order to get rid of erectile dysfunction. The thing is that lack of nutrients violates the work of internal organs, affecting the urinary tract and the central nervous system. For example, loss of libido is a symptom of insufficient amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Vitamin E, zinc and potassium can improve erection. These substances accelerate the release of testosterone, improving the muscle tone and blood circulation. With deficit of zinc men may suffer from prostatitis, which is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. Vitamin C not only strengthens the immune system, but can strengthen orgasm sensations. Selenium strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the blood flow. As for phosphorus, it is an essential element for production of qualitative sperm. It is quite hard to get all these essential elements from food, therefore you should better take vitamins and minerals in pills. This way you can be absolutely sure that your body gets the right amount of nutrients.

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