Different Dangers of Sleep Deprivation (including infographic)
We know that sleep recharges out energy and that lack of sleep will affect our daily function and freshness. But these are just simple and superficial problems of lack of sleep. The cumulative effect of sleep deprivation can be devastating for our health. Some of this information will surprise you, but will explain to you some things that you may not have linked to your sleeping habits.
Scroll down to view the infographic or continue reading about the damaging effects of sleep deprivation:
Increases the risk of developing cancer
Particularly breast cancer and prostate cancer. In fact, the link between lack of sleep and cancer has been investigated in such a comprehensive way that the World Health Organization defined shift work as a cause of cancer.
Weight gain

For those who try to maintain a healthy weight, lack of sleep is not recommended at all. Fatigue makes people hungrier, and people who don’t sleep enough hours tend to consume hundreds of calories more a day. You can read more in my article about the top 10 factors that affect your metabolic rate which sleeplessness is one of them.
Increases the risk of infections
Studies have revealed that pro-inflammatory proteins are found in large amounts in people suffering from a lack of sleep. The tendency to inflammation is a danger in itself that can lead to many other diseases.
Lack of sleep not only affects the physical state, but also the mental state. One of the common side effects of lack of sleep is depression. The psychological distress that comes with decreased sleep is a fertile ground for various mental disorders.
Loss of control
Another psychological effect of sleep deprivation is a decline in the ability to control emotions. People who don’t have enough sleep have much difficulty to control their emotions and tend to experience more extreme moods and express them more bluntly.
Decrease in emotional intelligence
Lack of sleep is not expressed only in personal emotional damage. A person who does not get enough sleep finds difficulties to connect and read the feelings of others, including family, friends and colleagues, which may turn out to have serious consequences.
Weakening of the immune system
It is well known that when you are sick you need to rest a lot and let your immune system do its work, but the immune system’s ability is a two-way street. It means that if rest is working better to speed up the healing process, restlessness hurts its abilities and leaves our body vulnerable to disease.
Increases the risk of diabetes
Many studies have shown that lack of sleep increases the body’s resistance to insulin. The meaning of this effect is increasing many times the risk of type 2 diabetes. Also read my article about the 7 steps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes which one of them is improving sleep habits.
Permanent damage to the skin
Lack of sleep causes the body to release excess amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. One of the actions of this hormone is breaking down the collagen in the skin, the protein that keeps our skin smooth and supple. Also read my article about the top 10 causes for premature aging of your face which lack of sleep is one of them.
Neuronal waste
New research raised debate among researchers about the ways in which sleep promotes the removal of “neuronal debris” from the brain.
Decrease in life expectancy
The statistics on this issue is clear: people who sleep less than 6 hours a night have four times the risk of death in the next ten years than people who sleep six hours or more at night.
Damaging the efficacy of vaccines
According to a study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco, lack of sleep at night may reduce the effectiveness of vaccines. The results recommend sleeping between 7 to 9 hours a night in order not to damage the efficacy of vaccines.
Heart Disease
Tension and stress caused by lack of sleep causes the body to release hormones that can cause a heart attack. In fact, people who sleep less than 6 hours a night increase their risk of death by 48% as a result of heart complications later in life.
Damage to judgmental state
Lack of sleep acts like a drug or alcohol in that sense. A state of fatigue significantly impairs self-criticism, which means that it makes us believe that everything is fine with our functioning, misleading the brain and prevents it from finding a judgmental problems.
Increased blood pressure
Another risk associated with chemicals and hormones that are released in a state of lack of sleep is increased blood pressure. American study found that the risk of people suffering from sleep deprivation to develop high blood pressure is 3.5 times greater than people who sleep enough. You may also be interested to read my article how to reduce high blood pressure naturally.
Irregular heartbeat
Another problem arising from lack of sleep is irregular heartbeat. This medical problem is the result of interference in the operation of the heart or the electric transmission system and can be life threatening.

Various studies have shown that a significant lack of sleep can cause a stroke. A study conducted in the U.S. Army for example, found that lack of sleep impairs 700 different genes responsible for complex systems in the body, and one of the dangers of this is stroke.
Weak body
Certain growth hormones are released during deep sleep. These chemicals allow the cells and tissues of the body to regenerate, increase muscle mass and strengthen the skin. Sleep deprivation will therefore affect any of these vital processes.
Bone destruction
Even the bones are being built and regenerate during sleep, so lack of sleep can cause significant damage to the bones and bone density.
Increases chronic pain
Many people suffer from chronic pain in certain parts of their body. One of the side effects of sleep deprivation is increasing this pain.
Decline in mental ability
Damage to the body’s strength as a result of lack of sleep is also expressed mentally. In other words, not only does enough sleep lower your ability to cope with stress, lack of sleep makes people perform poorly under stress, causes them panic, hasty and wrong decisions and even complete stillness at critical times. Of course all these cause a significant damage to creative ability.
Danger of death
In some levels lack of sleep could be more dangerous while driving than drinking small amount of alcohol. One problem in sleeplessness state is that the brain convinces your body that it ‘s okay, causing many tired drivers believe they are qualified to continue driving. Of course the results are fatal.
Memory impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
Sleep occurs in cycles. During this time occurs the process of implementing our memories in the brain. Damaging sleep cycles disrupt our short-term memory, that portion of the brain responsible for processing data and response in the immediate term, as well as the disruption of long-term memory, which is responsible for the preservation and storage of our experiences. This harms our learning ability and causes the destruction of brain cells, which can eventually lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
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