Therapeutic Massage: Heel Pain Alleviation


Heel pain is really a painful inflammation of the overused feet, so you do not want to place more pressure since it means much more pain. Massage may ease pain in your body and personal massaging can also be effective. Nevertheless, we cannot reach all the parts in our body, and that’s why, whenever we feel persistent body discomfort, we go to a massage counselor. Fortunately, heel pain is simple to deal with by carrying out a personal – therapeutic massage. If you need to do the correct massage technique then you definitely will effectively relieve assist pain each time.

Massage is a Quick Home Remedy for Heel Pain

While massaging the bottom of your foot is not a permanent treatment option for plantar fasciitis, it will allow you to quickly relieve pain you are experiencing in the short-term, and it is more effective than simply resting your feet.

Massage can be performed any time throughout the day when you are experiencing heel pain, making it convenient and accessible. Whether your feet hurt after you exercise, when you get home from work, while watching TV, first thing in the morning, or any other time throughout your day, you can perform self-massage to help relieve pain.

Medical Care

Proximal plantar fasciitis is successfully managed with conservative care in approximately 90% of cases. In general, the longer the duration of symptoms, the longer it takes for the patient to obtain complete pain relief; patients should be counseled regarding this correlation so that their expectations can be managed more effectively.

Various modalities of treatment are available, and patient education is important to improve the understanding of the condition and to obtain compliance with various treatment regimens. The important aims of the treatment are to limit impact stresses on the heel, to alleviate inflammation, and to stretch the triceps surae muscle.

Here is really a guide for any quick treatment on back heel pain:

  1. Whenever pain attacks, rest you for some time on the soft cushioning. Stop what you do at as soon as and permit time for the feet in order to rest.
  2. Elevate you for 5 min’s.
  3. Do the light massage having a circular rub in the region where you are feeling the throbbing.
  4. Stretch the actual plantar ligament and Posterior muscle group. Sit on the chair after that place your give your feet and gently pull this towards, hold it for any minute. This can relax the actual tied muscles inside your heel, giving it a method to breathe in the tension.
  5. Repeat before pain is actually reduced.

These steps are simply for brief – phrase heel pain alleviation however you could expect that you’ll feel exactly the same pain whenever your heel reaches work constantly. Massage your own heel anytime you are feeling pain and when the issue persists, you need to visit your own massage counselor. It is much better to possess a regular therapeutic massage as this could lessen your own heel discomfort, and tackle any fundamental issue which may be causing the issue.

Some tools to alleviate heel discomfort:

  • Make use of a golf golf ball. Massage the actual foot having a golf golf ball as this can help you with the actual circular rubbing from the foot.
  • A good iced cup may be helpful. Simply roll the actual cup about the bottom of the feet, and it will likely be a device to therapeutic massage your feet.

Apply gentle to reasonable pressure whenever you massage your own foot. It shouldn’t be painful otherwise it will damage the tissues inside your foot. The feet massage ought to give respite from pain and if you’re feeling much more pain, If you’re not sure together with your self — massage software then phone a therapeutic massage therapist, as they’re skilled in this region.

Massage Self Treatment for Heel Pain Relief

We would all like to find a simple and effective self treatment for heel pain. Search the internet and you will find many different recommendations, several of which claim almost immediate relief.

Be aware, however, that there is no guarantee that any one specific treatment will actually cure plantar fasciitis for good.

One point that most experts agree on is that once your foot has been injured and you have felt pain in your heel, immediate action should be taken. Implementing the RICE method is a great place to start. While you are doing that, begin to evaluate potential causes, treatments, and exercises for your ongoing handling of the injury.

Massage Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis

Though it may not completely eliminate your heel pain, one type of treatment that may help reduce the pain in the short term is self-massage. Massaging invites additional blood flow to the area of massage, which in turn stimulates the natural healing abilities of our body.

We often tend to neglect those areas of our body that are hurting. Knowing this, it is important to set aside time to massage your feet and/or leg muscles every day.

Continuing to massage after the pain is gone is also an effective means of helping reduce the chance of repeated injury. If you don’t take care of yourself properly, the pain will return, perhaps worse than previously.

The remainder of this post describes three massage techniques for plantar fasciitis pain relief that you can perform on yourself.

Thumb Massage for the Plantar Fascia

The following two-minute video entitled Thumb Massage for Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis was produced by East Coast Physical Therapy. It shows how to use your thumbs to locate and massage specific pain areas near your heel.

Briefly, this is the technique that the video recommends:
1) Use your thumb to locate an area of pain around your heel.
2) Press on that spot with as much pressure as you can stand, but not so hard as to cause significant pain, and massage it with slow, small circles.
3) When the pain is no longer felt in that spot, move your thumb slightly to the left or right and locate another area where you feel pain.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Massage for a total of 5-6 minutes. Skip at least one day in between massages. If you don’t you will most likely cause more pain.

Achilles Tendon and Leg Muscle Massage

This second video, which is six minutes in length, demonstrates massage of muscles in the calf as well as the Achilles tendon. Massaging these areas relieves tension and breaks up adhesions that may reside there. Leg muscle massage helps loosen up the tendon and leg muscles to avoid placing unnecessary pressure on the calcaneus (heel) and plantar fascia.

The technique follows this pattern:
1) Warm-up the muscles first.
2) Once warmed, use the thumb to “pin” the Achilles tendon while moving the foot up and down, with intent to release any adhesions in the tendon.
3) After further warming of the soleus (lower calf) and gastroc (upper calf) muscles, form a V with your thumbs to dig in and massage the tibialis posterior muscle, which is located between the gastrocs in the upper part of the leg.
4) Finally, use a flat thumb pinning technique on the flexor digitorum longus, the muscle running down the leg behind the tibia (shinbone) and across the top of the foot. This muscle controls movement in the smaller four toes.

A final stretch is recommended following the massage. While sitting on the floor, pull your lower leg in toward your body. Once in that position, cup your hands under the ball of your foot and pull the foot upward. Repeat this motion 10-12 times.

Calf – Tendon – Fascia Self-Massage

In Self Massage for Plantar Fasciitis, Dr. Bruce Mandelbaum, who works with Olympic athletes in his practice, explains how you can perform self-massage on the calf muscle, Achilles tendon, and plantar fascia in a manner similar to how he works on athletes.

Dr. Mandelbaum stresses the use of cross-fiber friction techniques. Cross-fiber friction is accomplished using the thumbs, working them back and forth across the muscle or tendon. His claim is that this type of massage will help heal plantar fasciitis more quickly.

At the beginning of the video, he demonstrates how he uses these techniques on individual patients. He then shows you how to perform these same techniques on yourself.

His technique begins on the calf, using his thumbs to work the calf muscle upward from the Achilles tendon. When an area needing massage is located, he utilizes cross-fiber friction to break up the fiber. After working the calf muscles, he performs his massage on the tendon and finally on the plantar fascia, right where it meets with the heel.

To perform these same techniques on yourself, you use both thumbs to work cross-fiber across the muscles. Follow the pattern mentioned previously – the calf, the Achilles tendon, and then the fascia. As he notes in the video, this back and forth massage technique should be “a bit uncomfortable” for you.

He also mentions, but does not show, using a roller on the calf to help warm it up prior to massage.

Massaging the Plantar Fascia

Massaging the bottom of your feet and manually stretching your plantar fascia ligament will help relieve your pain. Focus on the base of your heel where your plantar fascia ligament meets your heel bone, and massage in a circular motion with your thumbs. You can also apply pressure and massage lengthwise along the plantar fascia ligament from the ball of your foot down to the base of the heel bone.

When performing a self-massage on your feet, you should apply as much pressure as you comfortably can, but not so much that you are creating additional pain.

Other Options for Self-Massage

Performing self-massage and stretching your plantar fascia ligament with your hands will help stimulate blood flow to the area and relieve pain.

If it is not comfortable to massage your feet by hand, there are a variety of assistive tools that can help you massage your heel. Heel massagers are available for purchase online or in some athletic stores, or you can use massage tools like a golf ball, tennis ball, or water bottle.

To massage your feet with a ball or water bottle, sit in a chair with your feet facing forward. Place the ball under your foot, and roll it along the bottom of your foot applying as much pressure as is comfortable. Using a frozen water bottle to massage your heels can be especially effective because the cold will help reduce inflammation in addition to the benefits of the foot massage.

Are You Massaging Your Feet Correctly?

Massaging your feet by hand or with an assistive tool is very simple. The only thing to keep in mind is that the massage should not be causing any additional pain, but should quickly relieve the pressure and pain in your plantar fascia ligament. If you experience pain try massaging more gently, or consider a different method of home treatment for heel pain.

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